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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Committee Room A, Town Hall, Blackpool

Contact: John Greenbank  Senior Democratic Governance Adviser

No. Item



Members are asked to declare any interests in the items under consideration and in doing so state:


(1) the type of interest concerned either a


(a)   personal interest

(b)   prejudicial interest

(c)    disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI)




(2) the nature of the interest concerned


If any member requires advice on declarations of interests, they are advised to contact the Head of Democratic Governance in advance of the meeting.


There followng declarations of interest were made at the meeting;


·         Councillor Julie Jones declarated a personal interest in Item 6: Waste Services and StreetScene Annual Report and Item 7: Strategic Waste Management, as a Non-Executive Director of Blackpool Waste Services Ltd; and

·         Councillor Adrian Hoyle declarated a personal interest in Item 6: Waste Services and StreetScene Annual Report and Item 7: Strategic Waste Management, as a Non-Executive Director of Blackpool Waste Services Ltd.



To agree the minutes of the last meeting held on 15 November 2023 as a true and correct record.


The Committee agreed that the minutes of the meeting on 15 November 2023 be signed by the Chair as an accurate record.



To consider any applications from members of the public to speak at the meeting.


There were no public speakers on this occasion.



To consider the Executive and Cabinet Member Decisions within the remit of the Committee, taken since the last meeting.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered and noted the decisions taken by the Executive and Cabinet Members within its remit since the last meeting.


FORWARD PLAN pdf icon PDF 463 KB

To consider the content of the Council’s Forward Plan, February 2024 – May 2024, within the remit of the Committee.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the contents of the Council’s Forward Plan, February 2024 to May 2024 and noted the items within its remit.



To provide a basis for the Scrutiny Committee to review the services in relation to delivery with an emphasis on headline data and performance indicators. It will provide a brief outline of the various elements of the services delivered, identify areas of good performance and highlight any current or anticipated barriers or challenges as well as enabling opportunities.

Additional documents:


Mr John-Paul Lovie, Head of Waste (Policy and Partnerships), presented the Waste Services and StreetScene annual report. He informed the Committee that waste services were in the process of transformation with work being undertaken to improve how services are provided to the residents of Blackpool.


The first phase of this process had been the establishment of Blackpool Waste Services Ltd (BWS), trading as ENVECO, a waste services provided wholly-owned by the Council, in 2019. This company had taken over domestic waste collection from the previous operator. The second phase of the programme would see BWS integrate street cleansing into its operations.


Members raised the issue of missed bin collections and queried how this was tracked. Mr Lovie responded that the Council had a shared dashboard with BWS to monitor when bins had not been collected, and noted that less than 1% of bin collections were missed. He added that collections rates were an important Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that was monitored closely, adding that the current rate placed Blackpool within the top ten of its statistical “family group” of comparable providers.


The Committee also discussed how waste from joint business/home residents was collected, noting that trade and domestic waste could become mixed. It was explained by Mr Lovie, that in the case where a shop with a residence attached existed then the majority of waste would be considered trade, however owners could request a set number of domestic waste bags to keep their rubbish searate.


“Unauthorised grey bins” were highlighted in the report with Mr Lovie informing the Committee that such bins were those which were in use but the people using them were not entitled to. He advised that when identified these would be removed by BWS and this was an area which the Council and BWS were working on. This work included engagement with residents and the annual monitoring of entitlements.


The campaign to enforce against dog walkers who failed to clean up after their pets was highlighted, with it being explained that the campaign was active and a database had been established to tracker what actions had been undertaken. Mr Lovie also noted the increase in Fixed Penalty Notices in this respect.


Members noted the ongoing lack of a Local Municipal Waste Strategy for Lancashire with Mr lovie informing the Committee that this had been the result of a lack of direction from central government on what it should include. In the short term therefore Blackpool and Lancashire County Council had an agreement in place to determine how their waste asset would be used. Mr Lovie added that it was expected that a strategy was expected to be agreed with the next three years.


The Committee agreed: That the report be noted.



To provide the committee with an update in relation to the strategic waste challenges facing Blackpool Council as a result of the implementation of the Resources and Waste Strategy (RAWS) 2018 and associated Environment Act 2021.

Additional documents:


Mr John-Paul Lovie, Head of Waste (Policy and Partnerships), presented the Strategic Waste Management report, which provided an update on the challenges faced following the implementation of the Resources and Waste Strategy 2018 (RAWS) and the Environment Act 2021. He advised that no Local Municipal Waste Strategy was in place due to a lack of direction from central government. Despite this significant work was still taking place with Lancashire County Council, through the Lancashire Waste Partnership and within Blackpool itself to maximise the local asset available.


Blackpool had also secured support for its transformational waste programmes through the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), a government support programme. Mr Lovie advised that the WRAP was at its early stages and that work had been undertaken to understand the impact on Blackpool and the benefits that can be gained.


The purchase of additional vehicles was discussed, with Mr Lovie advising that consideration of new Food Waste vehicles was being considered. He reported that work would be undertaken to understand the specifications that would be needed and ensure that the vehicles met Blackpool’s needs.


Transitional funding of £1.1m has also been secured to support strategic waste projects and further to this an announcement was expected from central government on revenue funding. Additional transitional funding would also be available based on WRAP data. However Mr Lovie advised that the national fund was only £200m and therefore the amount Blackpool would receive was expected ot be lower than what was needed. Councillor Jane Hugo, Cabinet Member for Climate Change, emphasised that the Council would therefore be providing the most up to date data it had available as part of the WRAP to secure the maximum possible extra funding.


The Committee noted that none of the actions identified in the WRAP Project Plan, provided as part of the agenda, had been marked as completed. Mr Lovie advised that this was the result of the Plan only being ten-days old at the time of the meeting, and added that the document would be refreshed regularly going forward.


The Committee agreed: That the report be noted.



To consider an update on the maintenance of the 46 public rights of way (PROW) in Blackpool and review possible PROW path walking routes.

Additional documents:


Mr Ian Large, Head of Highway and Traffic Management Services, presented an update outlining progress on work to maintain and reopen public rights of way (PRoW) in Blackpool. He reported that the majority of Blackpool’s 46 PRoWs were accessible and that work continued in partnership with ENVECO and the Council’s Estates Team to reopen those that were not. Work was also continuing to promote the use of PRoW to improve public health and access to leisure, recognising that many communities had demonstrated affection for their local PRoW. This included improving linkage between paths as part of the Council’s Active Travel programme.


The Committee noted that some pathways were in areas where a substantial increase in usage could potentially have a detrimental effect on local bio-diversity. Mr Large advised that officers were aware of this risk and reported that a balanced approached had therefore been adopted. This recognised that the Council had a statutory duty to keep PRoWs accessible while understanding what level of usage they could sustain. He added that in most cases PRoWs had capacity for increased usage.


Enforcement on ProWs was also discussed with Mr Large explaining that although instances of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) had been a challenge the opening up of pathways had helped reduce the level experienced. He added that where needed the Council and Police could issue Community Protection Notices in instances where a significant ASB occurred.


Members of the Committee noted that the Active Travel element of PRoWs work was a Public Health issue and therefore fell within the remit of the Levelling-Up Scrutiny Committee. It was therefore asked that the Chair raise the issue with the Chair of the Levelling-Up Scrutiny Committee for consideration as an item to be included in their work programme.


Future funding was raised with Mr Large advising that the current budget was managed with the support of Enveco. He reported that the existing budget for PRoWs was suitable for the work that was required and added that increased usage would assist in reducing costs by reducing the need for maintenance.


The Committee agreed:


1.      That the report be noted; and

2.      That the Chair of the Committee raise the issue of Public Rights of Way supporting Public Health with the Chair of the Levelling Up Scrutiny Committee.



To provide a basis for the Committee to consider the actions to date for the delivery of the Council’s pledge  for  Ocean Recovery as set out in the report to scrutiny on 5 December 2022.

Additional documents:


Ms Clare Nolan-Barnes, Head of Head of Coastal and Environmental Partnership Investments, introduced a report on ocean recovery work to achieve the “Motion for the Ocean” agreed by Council in December 2022. She advised that following the agreement of the motion the Council had drafted a Blackpool Marine Action Plan and undertaken various other schemes to promote ocean recovery.


Ms Kerry Payton, Graduate Climate Action Officer, gave a presentation to the Committee on the work to develop the action plan and its aims, themes and progress. She advised that the United Nations had declared that the 2020s was a decade of ocean recovery in recognition that the work to improve the quality of ocean habitats was crucial to solving the overall climate crisis being experienced globally.


In addition to the environmental benefits of ocean recovery Ms Payton also advised that improved access to “blue” spaces, such as the sea, had a recognised benefit to people’s health and wellbeing. Further to which the importance of Blackpool’s coast line and access to sea waters to the local economy and tourism had been acknowledged.


Ms Payton advised that a number of ideas were under consideration to help Blackpool achieve the aims of the action plan and she emphasised that whatever solutions were adopted that sustainability would be a key part of them. This approach would ensure that the approach adopted would be long lasting and be right for Blackpool.


Partnership working was raised, with Ms Payton informing the Committee that the Council had led on the work that had taken place so far. However as the action plan developed and key partners were identified to lead on individual actions the level of collaborative working would increase. This work included the engagement of United Utilities and the Environment Agency who had been involved in the discussions to develop the action plan.


Members also discussed efforts to increase recycling in public areas, with Ms Payton reporting that a pilot zone aimed to increasing levels of recycling had been identified and the learning from this would be used to encourage wider recycling efforts across Blackpool. Mr John-Paul Lovie, Head of Waste (Policy and Partnerships), added that in addition to the pilot an “On the Go” recycling scheme existed, but that the use of “recycling only” bins was a challenge as they were often ignored and used by the public for general waste. Therefore it was noted that engagement and education would play an important part in ocean recovery, teaching residents and visitors the importance of recycling and that this had been recognised in the action plan.


The possibility of utilising Blackpool’s coast line and sea for renewable power generation was discussed. Mr Scott Butterfield, Strategy and Climate Lead, advised that a number schemes were under consideration, including two proposals for using wave powers in the Fylde Estuary, however little progress against these had been made. Funding for any project remained a challenge, and members were informed that no dedicated government funding was available. Wind and solar  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.



To consider the feedback from the consultation exercise to date and to consider the option to extend the consultation and the Experimental Traffic Regulation order period to address the specific question of closing St Johns Square outside servicing hours.

Additional documents:


Mr Ian Large, Head of Highways and Traffic Management Services, presented a report the use of a Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) for St John’s Square, Blackpool. He advised that following the introduction of an ETRO in May 2023 restricting access to the square to buses and taxis only between 10.30am and 6.00pm, with access for deliveries allowed between 6.00pm and 10.30am.


Following this the performance of the ETRO had been reviewed and feedback sought from local businesses and stakeholder. The outcome of these discussions had shown that some stakeholders were in favour of a complete closure of St John’s Square to all vehicles between 10.00am and 6.00pm, with access restricted to buses, taxis and local delivery vehicles at other times. If agreed the proposal would be advertised from May 2024 for implemented in June 2024. Following this a review of the changes would be undertaken after six months, including a public consultation, with a view to determine if the changes should become permanent.


The Committee agreed: That the report be noted.



To consider the scope of a proposal for the introduction of non-enforceable disabled parking bays and outline the eligibility criteria for potential applicants who may find value in applying for this facility.

Additional documents:


Mr Ian Large, Head of Highways and Traffic Management Services, presented a report outlining a proposal to allow residents to pay for a non-enforceable disabled parking bay on street near to their homes. The eligibility for the bays would be restricted to those who held a Blue Badge and provision of a bay would be dependent on factors such as the locations, size of the residential street and availability of private off-street parking where it had been requested. The proposal had followed a public consultation which had suggested that sufficient demand existed for the introduction of such bays, and ongoing engagement would be undertaken to determine its success.


The eligibility for the bays was discussed, with concerns being expressed that their installation in some areas could generate congestion. Mr Large explained that provision of a bay would be dependent on factors such as the size of a street and the impact on traffic flow. Officers were aware that there were many areas where the installation of a bay would be unfeasible. The non-enforceability of the bays was also raised, where it was recognised that the Council could not prevent the use of a bay by someone other than the intended user. Mr Large expressed the view that although this could be a factor in some places overall it was anticipated that a clearly marked bay would discourage use by non-disabled drivers.


Members also raised the financial viability of the bays, which although it had been noted would be paid for by those who wanted them. Mr Large advised that once installed a bay would not need maintenance for at least five years. Following this however greater understanding was needed on the ongoing costs and how these would be paid for.


The Committee noted the proposal and asked that a progress update be provided to a future meeting.


The Committee agreed:


1.      That the proposal be noted; and

2.      That an update on progress be provided to a future meteing.



To consider the Workplan and to monitor the implementation of Committee recommendations, together with any suggestions that Members may wish to make for scrutiny review topics.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered its work programme and action tracker for the remainder of the municipal year.


Members asked that a deep dive on the installation and impact of new sea defences be added to the work programme as a potential item for 2024/2025.


The Committee also requested that an item on Heat Networks be added to the work programme for 2024/2025, as an area of climate change work under consideration by the Council. The potential for the Committee to undertake a site visit to view the operation of a Heat Network was also noted.


Members considered the draft scoping document for the planned review of Anti-Social Behaviour in Blackpool and agreed that the review be undertaken and noted the scope, subject to final confirmation by the review panel.


The Committee agreed:


1.      That, subject to the inclusion of items identified at the meeting, the Work Programme and Action Tracker be noted.

2.      That the review of Anti-Social Behaviour be agreed and scope noted.



To note the date and time of the next meeting as Wednesday, 20 March 2024 commencing at 6.00pm.


That the date and time of the next meeting of the Committee be noted as Wednesday, 20 March 2024 at 6.00pm.