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Agenda item


To provide a basis for the Committee to consider the actions to date for the delivery of the Council’s pledge  for  Ocean Recovery as set out in the report to scrutiny on 5 December 2022.


Ms Clare Nolan-Barnes, Head of Head of Coastal and Environmental Partnership Investments, introduced a report on ocean recovery work to achieve the “Motion for the Ocean” agreed by Council in December 2022. She advised that following the agreement of the motion the Council had drafted a Blackpool Marine Action Plan and undertaken various other schemes to promote ocean recovery.


Ms Kerry Payton, Graduate Climate Action Officer, gave a presentation to the Committee on the work to develop the action plan and its aims, themes and progress. She advised that the United Nations had declared that the 2020s was a decade of ocean recovery in recognition that the work to improve the quality of ocean habitats was crucial to solving the overall climate crisis being experienced globally.


In addition to the environmental benefits of ocean recovery Ms Payton also advised that improved access to “blue” spaces, such as the sea, had a recognised benefit to people’s health and wellbeing. Further to which the importance of Blackpool’s coast line and access to sea waters to the local economy and tourism had been acknowledged.


Ms Payton advised that a number of ideas were under consideration to help Blackpool achieve the aims of the action plan and she emphasised that whatever solutions were adopted that sustainability would be a key part of them. This approach would ensure that the approach adopted would be long lasting and be right for Blackpool.


Partnership working was raised, with Ms Payton informing the Committee that the Council had led on the work that had taken place so far. However as the action plan developed and key partners were identified to lead on individual actions the level of collaborative working would increase. This work included the engagement of United Utilities and the Environment Agency who had been involved in the discussions to develop the action plan.


Members also discussed efforts to increase recycling in public areas, with Ms Payton reporting that a pilot zone aimed to increasing levels of recycling had been identified and the learning from this would be used to encourage wider recycling efforts across Blackpool. Mr John-Paul Lovie, Head of Waste (Policy and Partnerships), added that in addition to the pilot an “On the Go” recycling scheme existed, but that the use of “recycling only” bins was a challenge as they were often ignored and used by the public for general waste. Therefore it was noted that engagement and education would play an important part in ocean recovery, teaching residents and visitors the importance of recycling and that this had been recognised in the action plan.


The possibility of utilising Blackpool’s coast line and sea for renewable power generation was discussed. Mr Scott Butterfield, Strategy and Climate Lead, advised that a number schemes were under consideration, including two proposals for using wave powers in the Fylde Estuary, however little progress against these had been made. Funding for any project remained a challenge, and members were informed that no dedicated government funding was available. Wind and solar power generation were also being considered, with Mr Butterfield highlighting the installation of solar panels on the roof of the Winter Gardens. He added that it was projected that these panels would pay for themselves within three years of operations, and that other locations within Blackpool were being considered for similar installations.


Communication of the action plan, its aims and the work taking place was discussed, with Ms Payton advising that such work would be included in the plan. In respect of its delivery Ms Nolan-Barnes reported that the plan contained short, medium and long term objectives that would be delivered over the next decade.


The Committee welcomed the report and thanked the officers involved for the information provided, noting their enthusiasm for the work being undertaken. Members also asked that Ocean Recovery become an annual report, allow members to consider progress against the action plan as it developed. It was also asked that the final version of the Blackpool Maine Action Plan be circulated for information once it had been confirmed.


The Committee agreed:


1.      That the progress on Ocean Recovery be noted;

2.      That Ocean Recovery be added as an annual report to the Committee’s work programme; and

3.      That Blackpool Marine Action Plan be circulated to members of the Committee for information when finalised.

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