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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room A, Town Hall, Blackpool

Contact: Chris Kelly  Acting Srutiny Manager

No. Item



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If any member requires advice on declarations of interests, they are advised to contact the Head of Democratic Governance in advance of the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest on this occasion.



To agree the minutes of the last meeting held on 07 December 2017 as a true and correct record.


The Committee agreed that the minutes of the last meeting of the Resilient Communities and Children’s Scrutiny Committee held on 7 December 2017be signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.



To consider any applications from members of the public to speak at the meeting.


The Committee noted that there were no applications from members of the public to speak at the meeting.



To consider the Executive and Cabinet Member decisions within the remit of the Resilient Communities and Children’s Scrutiny Committee.

Additional documents:


The Committee noted that one decision had been taken by the Cabinet Secretary for Resilient Communities to revise the terms of reference for the Corporate Parent Panel.


FORWARD PLAN pdf icon PDF 221 KB

To consider the content of the Council’s Forward Plan, February 2018 – June 2018, relating to the portfolio of the Cabinet Secretary.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the item contained within the Forward Plan, February 2018 – June 2018, ‘Development Proposals for Improvements at Carleton Cemetery’ that related to the portfolio of the Cabinet Secretary and requested that an update be provided.


Councillor Graham Cain, Cabinet Secretary for Resilient Communities advised that the decision related to the expansion of the Crematorium. In addition, the Council was also seeking a tenant for the empty café on site.



The Committee to consider the Workplan, together with any suggestions that Members may wish to make for scrutiny review.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered its Workplan for the remainder of 2018. The Chairman, Councillor Kath Rowson, advised that an item would be added to the Workplan on ‘School Improvement’ for November 2018, which would also incorporate the validated GCSE results. She also noted that the Committee would consider a report on Looked After Children and Child Protection in April 2018 and suggested that Members may wish to consider setting up a one off in depth meeting for further consideration of the topic following discussions.


The Chairman drew the Committee’s attention to the ‘Implementation of Recommendations’ table and noted that a number of actions had been completed. She requested that a more detailed update on the meeting with newly qualified teachers be provided at the next meeting of the Committee.


The Committee agreed:

1.      To update the Workplan to include an item on School Improvement in November 2018.

2.      To receive a more detailed update on the meeting with newly qualified teachers at the next meeting of the Committee.



To inform the Committee of the work undertaken by Children’s Services on a day to day basis and to update on the progress and implementation of developments within the areas.

Additional documents:


Mrs Louise Storey, Head of Safeguarding and Principal Social Worker and Mrs Cindy Hunter, Head of Social Services presented the report to Committee and advised that the main emphasis of the Children’s Services Update Report was on demand management and performance against targets.


The Committee discussed the high number of Looked After Children and noted that although the figure had not decreased it appeared to have steadied. Mrs Hunter advised that the current focus was on working with children in care in order to move them to permanence such as adoption. It was queried if the target set for the number of Looked After Children was realistic and in response Mrs Hunter advised that the target had been set by considering every individual child and determining potential discharges from care. She added that the target was ambitious but based on analysis.


Members raised concerns that a review was required to ensure that school initiatives on literacy and work ongoing in the community was joined up. It was considered that there were a large number of ongoing schemes in place to improve literacy such as those being undertaken by Head Start and Better Start. Mrs Storey acknowledged that there was a significant amount of funding which was being utilised to provide a large number of schemes. It was agreed that the Committee receive a report to a future meeting detailing the expected outcomes and monitoring framework of schemes such as the Opportunity Areas in order to be assured that funding was achieving outcomes.


Members went on to focus on the work being undertaken by Better Start to ensure children were ‘school ready’ and queried work being carried out on the subsequent steps from primary to secondary school and then from school to work. Councillor Kath Benson, Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning reported that schools worked with colleges and businesses to give aspiration and confidence to young people. She added that preparing young people for work was a priority of the Opportunity Areas.


In response to further questioning regarding the transition between primary and secondary schools, Councillor Benson advised that in her opinion the environment in 2018 was vastly different to the environment a number of years ago. She commented that there was more pressure on young people and that children and young people were considered generally to be not as resilient. She added that children did spend a week at secondary school whilst still at primary school and that further detail on transitions could be provided within the report to be received on School Improvement in November 2018.


Concern was raised that the poor performance of secondary schools had been known for a number of years and queried when improvements would be made. Councillor Benson advised that it was not an easy task to make vast and wide ranging improvements quickly, but that she hoped some improvement in attainment would soon be seen. She highlighted the recent improvements made at Highfield Academy and the latest Ofsted inspection of Unity Academy  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.



To inform Members of the ongoing work relating to Child Sexual Abuse.


Mrs Louise Storey, Head of Safeguarding and Principal Social Worker highlighted the arrangements and range of activities in place in order to prevent Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and abuse and to protect children and young people. She highlighted that work was multi-agency and that the Blackpool Safeguarding Children Board had a Sub-Group dedicated to the consideration of CSE and related concerns.


Members noted that the report highlighted difficulties in engaging with a small number of large organisations operating within Blackpool and queried the reasons why the difficulties had emerged. Councillor Cain, Cabinet Secretary for Resilient Communities reported that progress had been made with the organisations concerned and that there was a rolling programme of training and development in place. He also highlighted the importance of training for Members. Mrs Storey added that lack of engagement was often related to lack of knowledge and awareness of the subject matter and that the CSE Awareness Week and the Prevention Campaign had brought CSE to the forefront.


It was noted that late night takeaways were often a concern and Mrs Storey advised that the Licensing Department was very active and had already closed a number of late night takeaways. Premises were constantly monitored for signs of CSE activity. The Council employed a Child Protection Licensing Officer, which was a rare role and one specific to meet the needs of Blackpool. It was also reported that the Awaken Team and the Police worked closely to coordinate action against premises, including hotels.


The Committee observed that the data relating to the age range of victims and perpetrators of CSE demonstrated that a large number of offenders were less than five years older than their victims. It was queried whether there was any evidence to suggest that there was a link between being a victim of CSE and becoming a future perpetrator. Mrs Storey advised that she was not aware of any evidence demonstrating a link and would investigate further following the meeting.


In response to questioning, Councillor Kath Benson, Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning advised that all Schools should have policies on safeguarding and child protection and agreed to investigate if such policies covered CSE and Sexual Health and where parents could obtain such policies. Members considered that awareness and understanding of parents was of paramount importance. Councillor Benson added that schools had ‘safe spaces’ where pupils could share experiences. It was noted that the majority of young people would not find it an easy subject to talk about and that schools included topics such as appropriate relationships and sexting within PHSE classes.


Members noted that 86% of staff within Children’s Services had undertaken the CSE Training module and felt that 100% of staff should have completed the training.


Members went on to consider the differences between CSE, Child Sexual Abuse and Interfamilial abuse. It was reported that emphasis had been placed on CSE and that had ensured it was at the forefront. Work was being undertaken to ensure Child Sexual Abuse was equally  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.



To note the date and time of the next meeting of the Committee as Thursday, 12 April 2018, commencing at 6pm.


The Committee agreed to note the date of the next meeting as Thursday, 12 April 2018, commencing at 6.00pm.