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Agenda item


To inform Members of the ongoing work relating to Child Sexual Abuse.


Mrs Louise Storey, Head of Safeguarding and Principal Social Worker highlighted the arrangements and range of activities in place in order to prevent Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and abuse and to protect children and young people. She highlighted that work was multi-agency and that the Blackpool Safeguarding Children Board had a Sub-Group dedicated to the consideration of CSE and related concerns.


Members noted that the report highlighted difficulties in engaging with a small number of large organisations operating within Blackpool and queried the reasons why the difficulties had emerged. Councillor Cain, Cabinet Secretary for Resilient Communities reported that progress had been made with the organisations concerned and that there was a rolling programme of training and development in place. He also highlighted the importance of training for Members. Mrs Storey added that lack of engagement was often related to lack of knowledge and awareness of the subject matter and that the CSE Awareness Week and the Prevention Campaign had brought CSE to the forefront.


It was noted that late night takeaways were often a concern and Mrs Storey advised that the Licensing Department was very active and had already closed a number of late night takeaways. Premises were constantly monitored for signs of CSE activity. The Council employed a Child Protection Licensing Officer, which was a rare role and one specific to meet the needs of Blackpool. It was also reported that the Awaken Team and the Police worked closely to coordinate action against premises, including hotels.


The Committee observed that the data relating to the age range of victims and perpetrators of CSE demonstrated that a large number of offenders were less than five years older than their victims. It was queried whether there was any evidence to suggest that there was a link between being a victim of CSE and becoming a future perpetrator. Mrs Storey advised that she was not aware of any evidence demonstrating a link and would investigate further following the meeting.


In response to questioning, Councillor Kath Benson, Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning advised that all Schools should have policies on safeguarding and child protection and agreed to investigate if such policies covered CSE and Sexual Health and where parents could obtain such policies. Members considered that awareness and understanding of parents was of paramount importance. Councillor Benson added that schools had ‘safe spaces’ where pupils could share experiences. It was noted that the majority of young people would not find it an easy subject to talk about and that schools included topics such as appropriate relationships and sexting within PHSE classes.


Members noted that 86% of staff within Children’s Services had undertaken the CSE Training module and felt that 100% of staff should have completed the training.


Members went on to consider the differences between CSE, Child Sexual Abuse and Interfamilial abuse. It was reported that emphasis had been placed on CSE and that had ensured it was at the forefront. Work was being undertaken to ensure Child Sexual Abuse was equally regarded. Mrs Storey highlighted that training and support was a priority. Appropriate staff must be given the support and tools to spot the signs of abuse and given the confidence to deal with offenders. The Committee requested that regular updates be provided on raising the profile of Child Sexual Abuse and Interfamilial Abuse.


The Committee noted that Ofsted was undertaking a series of Joint Targeted Area Inspections on subjects including CSE and queried if partners would be ready for such an inspection. Mrs Storey advised that the Blackpool Safeguarding Children Board regularly audited cases and that an authority should always be prepared for an inspection of any kind.


In response to questions, Mrs Cindy Hunter, Head of Social Services reported that there was a positive emphasis on prevention which demonstrated that Services were both proactive and reactive. She added that prevention of CSE was well resourced in Blackpool and that partners worked well together and were committed to resourcing provision.


Concern was raised that there was not a clear, easy to follow pathway for a member of the public to raise concerns about suspected CSE or abuse. Mrs Storey agreed to consider the feedback and investigate the obvious route that a member of the public might take in order to identify any improvements that could be made.


The Committee agreed:

1. To receive information relating to a potential link between being a victim and subsequently becoming a perpetrator of CSE following the meeting.

2. To receive feedback on school policies and how parents accessed policies.

3. To receive regular updates on raising the profile of Child Sexual and Interfamilial Abuse.

4. That Mrs Storey consider the route that a member of the pubic might take when raising concerns related to CSE or abuse in order to identify any improvements.

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