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The Council's delegated budgets scheme allocates budgets of £15,000 to each Ward covered for the financial year 2020/2021. The funding for this scheme can be spent on supplementing funding public services, for the benefit of the local community.


Councillors Cain and Hobson of Bloomfield Ward have requested £1,000 as funding to the Environmental Services Department for the purchase of 4 mobile CCTV cameras for use by the NEAT Officer within Bloomfield Ward to deter anti-social behaviour.


Councillor R Scott and Wing of Greenlands Ward have requested £1,280 as funding to Redeeming Our Communities (ROC) for the continued upkeep of the Fylde Memorial Arboretum at Moor Park.


Councillor Hunter of Highfield Ward has requested £642.95 as funding to Blackpool Coastal Housing (BCH) towards providing the vulnerable residents of Highfield Ward Christmamas Activity Packs for those unable to socialise due to the two local community centres having to close.

These applications are submitted as solo applications due to Cllr Mrs Henderson MBE being unable to provide a signature due to her current illness.


Councillors D Coleman and Stansfield of Marton Ward have requested £1,590 as funding to the Illuminations Department for the purchase and installation of a large LED lit Christmas Tree at Marton United Reform Church.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/11/2020

Decision due: 24 Nov 2020 by Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Tourism, Arts and Culture

