grant permission to accept the Coronation Living Heritage Fund (CLHF) Grant Funding from ‘Defra’ of Lot 1 ‘Microwoods £14,138.00 and Lot 2 Community Orchards of £19,260.00
To note the successful funding bids for the CLHF Lot 1 to enable the council to plant microwoods within the town and Lot 2 to distribute a community grant scheme for community orchard projects by March 2025.
To confirm the criteria for successful application of the grants to be assessed by the Lancashire Treescapes team. A panel will meet to discuss all applications meeting the essential criteria. The key questions asked of each application will include:
• Detail where the project is located (in Blackpool)
• Explain who will benefit from the orchard
• Describe how the project will be a lasting legacy to the coronation
• Provide an evaluation of costs
• Demonstrate the potential sustainability and longevity of the project
To authorise the Head of Legal to enter into agreements with applicants to distribute the Lot 2 Community orchards grant.
To delegate the Tree and Landscape Officer to sign off agreements
To confirm, the applicants will submit a completion report with photographs, and officers will conduct site checks to ensure that the scheme complies with the agreed specifications. The following summer of 2026, the applicant will submit a final report, and further checks will be carried out. Applicants will be encouraged to record their experience of the difference the project has made from a social perspective and to conduct citizen science activities.