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Issue - decisions


16/06/2014 - PROVISIONAL OUTTURN 2013/2014

The Executive agreed the recommendations as outlined above namely:


1. To approve the Provisional Revenue Outturn for 2013/2014, and in so doing to note that the figures are subject to external audit and final accounting adjustments (ref. paragraph 2.1).


2. To approve the recommendations regarding the treatment of specific service under / overspends as outlined (ref. paragraph 3.2).


3. To approve the provisional capital outturn for 2013/2014 and methods of scheme funding as outlined (ref. paragraphs 4.2 and 4.5).


4. To note the Prudential Indicator (ref. paragraph 4.3); and


5. To note the levels of the earmarked reserves including those for the Housing Revenue Account and maintained schools (ref. paragraph 6.1).