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Agenda item


The Committee is requested to consider an application for planning permission, details of which are set out in the accompanying report.



The Committee considered an approval of a reserved matters application for the erection of a residential development comprising 422 dwellings (two and three storey apartments and houses), with associated parking, village green/play area, water features and shop and formation of vehicular access to Progress Way (reserved matters application) on the land at Moss House Road. 


Mr Johnston presented the Committee with an overview of the application and site location and layout plans.  He reminded Members that an approval of reserved matters had previously been given for 579 dwellings at the site with conditions attached relating to the maximum number of dwellings, the requirement for a mix of dwellings, a limit on the number of dwellings per hectare and the location of the three storey dwellings.  The permission had also been subject to a Section 106 agreement in respect of payments towards affordable housing, education, open space and highways. 


Members were advised of the key changes in the layout and mix of properties since approval of the previous approval of reserved matters application.  Mr Johnston did not consider that the reduction in the number of dwellings would impact on the Council’s housing requirement due to other residential developments in the south of the town and in his view the proposed development was in accordance with policy.  He reported on the letter from United Utilities that had been circulated to Members stating that it had no objection in principle to the proposed development subject to suitable conditions relating to surface water and foul water drainage. 


Mr Johnston referred Members to the representation received from Mr Marsden MP detailed in the Update Note.  In relation to Mr Marsden’s comments regarding the legal agreement and financial contribution to affordable housing, Mr Johnston advised on changes since the original amount of £9.184 million had been agreed, which included the publication of the National Planning Policy Framework, the Department for Communities and Local Government guidance on viability and the Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013 which allowed developers to challenge the amounts required.  In addition, an appeal decision in 2014 had reduced the amount required for the affordable housing contribution to £5.07million. 


In response to questions from the Committee, Mr Johnston confirmed that the developer had agreed to the revised financial contribution for affordable housing (£5.07million) and that it would be paid in nine instalments.  An amendment to the Section 106 Agreement would be required.


Responding to concerns raised by the Committee relating to highways, Mr Patel confirmed that the financial contribution to Highways was £1.4million, of which £500,000 had already been received.  The funds would be used in the construction of a junction and footpath.  He also confirmed that two bus stops would be installed on Progress Way.


The Committee was reminded that the consultation period had not yet expired and therefore the recommendation was to delegate approval to the Head of Development Management following the expiry of the consultation period.


Resolved:  To delegate authority to grant permission to the Head of Development Management, following consultation with the Chairman, subject to no further consultation responses being received raising additional material issues and subject to the conditions and for the reasons set out in the Appendix to the minutes.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.

Supporting documents: