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Agenda item


The Committee is requested to consider an application for planning permission, details of which are set out in the accompanying report.


The Committee considered an application for the erection of six private dwelling houses with access from Common Edge Road, with associated car parking and landscaping works.


Mr Johnston gave a brief overview of the proposed development and presented a visual image of the site and site layout plans.  The Committee was advised of previous planning applications that had been submitted, with the latest being refused by the Planning Committee for four reasons which were the detrimental impact on the setting of the Listed Cottages on Fishers Lane, the detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the Marton Moss Countryside Area, the potential adverse effect on the integrity of the Listed Cottages and concerns regarding drainage and potential flooding in the area.  A subsequent appeal against the Council’s decision to refuse planning permission was dismissed by the Planning Inspector with the sole factor warranting dismissal being the impact on the setting of the Listed Cottages.


Mr Johnston reported on the Core Strategy which indicated that the Council consistently meets its five year housing supply requirement although in his view this in itself would not be considered sufficient to justify refusal of the application.  He also reported on Core Strategy Policies CS8 and CS26 relating to Heritage and the Marton Moss Countryside Area and outlined the circumstances in which development would be considered acceptable. 


Mr Johnston reported on the amendments to the application that sought to address the Planning Inspector’s concerns which included a greater distance between the Listed Cottages on Fishers Lane and the proposed dwelling houses and a greater area of open land in front of the Listed Cottages. 


Ms Briscoe spoke in objection to the application and voiced concerns relating to the detrimental impact on the relationship between the Listed Cottages and the adjoining land should planning permission be granted.  She referred to the factors considered by the Secretary of State in relation to the previous application and the National Planning Policy Framework which placed significant weight on the conservation of heritage assets.  In her view, the current proposal was not significantly different to the previous application.


Mr De Pol, Agent acting on behalf of the Applicant, spoke in support of the application and reported on the amendments that, in his view, addressed the concerns raised by the Planning Inspector.  Those changes included a reduction in the number of proposed dwellings from eight to six, a greater distance between the Listed Cottages and proposed dwellings, and an increase in the open space area in front of the Listed Cottages.  


Responding to a question from the Chairman, Mr Johnston confirmed that proposed condition 13 required an initial archaeological investigation, followed by regular monitoring during the development.


The Committee considered the merits of the application and, in doing so, had particular regard to its impact on the setting of the Listed Cottages. Whilst it acknowledged the concerns raised by the neighbouring residents, it was satisfied that the amended proposal had addressed the Planning Inspector’s concerns that had led to the refusal of the previous scheme. 


Resolved:  That the application be approved, subject to the conditions, and for the reasons set out in the Appendix to the minutes.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application. 

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