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Agenda item


To inform the Committee of the work undertaken by Children’s Services on a day to day basis and to update on the progress and implementation of developments within the areas in order to allow effective scrutiny of services.


Mrs Del Curtis, Director of People presented the Children’s Services Report to the Committee and the Chairman invited questions.


The Chairman noted that the recent HMI Monitoring visit had determined that ‘sufficient progress’ had been made at South Shore Academy and queried whether sufficient progress was satisfactory. Mrs Curtis advised that it was considered that South Shore Academy was progressing at an acceptable rate. In response to further questions, she advised that the GCSE results for individual schools were not yet available as the data had not been formally validated, however, on average, the results in Blackpool had improved in comparison to 2015.


The Committee discussed the approval by the Department for Education of the free school bid made by Fylde Coast Academy Trust (FCAT) and requested additional detail regarding the size and opening times of the new school. In response, Mrs Hilary Wood, Head of Business Support and Resources advised that the school would gradually build in size to a capacity of 1,180, of the places 60 were nursery, 420 primary and 700 secondary. The first pupils were expected to commence in September 2017 and the school would be situated on the site of the Arnold School. Members expressed concern that the level of information regarding the development of the new school, provided to Ward Councillors in particular, was not adequate and it was agreed that Mrs Curtis would approach FCAT to ask for additional, regular communication to be provided to key stakeholders.


The level of detail regarding Safeguarding Children contained within the report was discussed and Members expressed concern that the detail included was not sufficient enough to allow effective scrutiny. It was agreed that Members would give consideration to the safeguarding content required in future reports and that the Chairman would send a request to Mrs Curtis following the meeting.


Members discussed the programmes currently on offer to children and young people in Blackpool including the apprenticeships being offered by the Calico Group and the Prince’s Trust ‘Get Into Retail Programme.’ In response to questions Mrs Curtis advised that the Prince’s Trust programme was being offered at no cost to the Council and that she would circulate additional information following the meeting.


Members went on to discuss the pledges made at the Corporate Parent Conference and noted that Blackpool Operating Company had recently employed four of ‘Our Children’ as apprentices and that Blackpool Entertainment Company had offered mock interviews. It was noted that the Conference would be held every two years and it was agreed that an update to the pledges document would be circulated after the meeting.


The Committee queried what action would be undertaken following the completion of the audit of placements. In response, Mrs Josie Lee, Interim Head of Safeguarding and Principal Social Worker advised that the audit had demonstrated that the thresholds for referral were appropriate and that the key areas of action were the reunification of children with parents and identifying a resource to provide support to parents.


The Committee agreed:

1.             That Mrs Curtis would approach FCAT to ask for additional, regular communication to be provided to key stakeholders regarding the new free school.

2.             To consider the safeguarding content required in future reports and send a detailed request to Mrs Curtis following the meeting.

3.             To receive additional information regarding the Prince’s Trust ‘Get Into Retail Programme’ following the meeting.

4.             To receive a copy of the Corporate Parent Conference Pledges.

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