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Agenda item


The Committee is requested to consider an application for planning permission, details of which are set out in the accompanying report.


The Committee considered an application for the erection of a log flume ride on land adjacent to the north side of South Pier. 


Mr Johnston presented the Committee with a brief overview of the application and site layout plans.  The proposal was to relocate the existing log flume ride from its current site at the western end of the South Pier to a site immediately north of the Pier.  The ride would be enclosed by palisade fencing.  Members were shown plans of the front, side and rear elevations of the log flume and Mr Johnston reported on its height and distance from the frontage of the Pier and its location in relation to the Pier head building.  The Pier was a locally listed building and Mr Johnston reported on a previous permission that had been granted to redevelop the existing pier head building, which, if implemented, would have an overall height of 15 metres.  Mr Johnston referred the Committee to the information included in the Update Note and further representation received in objection to the application that suggested that the proposal did not comply with policies BH4, RR1, RR4 and RR11 of the Blackpool Local Plan and confirmed that information relating to these policies was contained within the officer’s report.  The application was recommended for temporary approval with an additional condition to restrict the hours of operation of the log flume to between 08.00 hours and 20.00 hours daily.


Mr Laister, on behalf of Blackpool Pleasure Beach, spoke in objection to the application.  His main concerns included a conflict with policies within the Blackpool Local Plan in relation to the proposed siting of the log flume, the quality of design and its visual impact.  He also reported his view that the granting of the application could set a precedent for future portable rides.  He suggested that, in his opinion, the proposal could adversely impact on the viability of the Pleasure Beach.


Ms Cubbins, public objector, also spoke in objection to the application.  The main concerns raised included conflict with policies within the Blackpool Local Plan in relation to the visual impact of the ride, its impact on local businesses from the noise and vibration resulting from the ride, the scale and design of the log flume and public safety.


Mr Shepherd, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.  He reported his view on the relatively low level of noise that would emanate from the ride and confirmed his agreement to any amplified music being switched off at 20.00 hours but asked the Committee to consider allowing the ride to operate beyond this time. He highlighted that no comments had been received from Environmental Protection to suggest that the ride should cease to operate at 20.00 hours.  Mr Shepherd made comparisons to two temporary permissions that had been granted for the nearby go-karting facility which, in his opinion, generated more noise than the log flume.  He asked Members to consider granting the application with a start date for the permission to be following the relocation of the log flume.  In response to a question from the Committee, Mr Shepherd confirmed the intention to relocate the log flume during the winter period to avoid the main holiday season.


On invitation from the Chairman, Mr Johnston responded to the points made by reminding Members that each application would be considered on its merits and in his view there would be no issue of creating a precedent should permission be granted for the application.  He reiterated the rationale for a temporary permission to facilitate improvements to the existing pier structure.  He referred Members to a specific policy in relation to fun fairs which did not apply to the Go Kart facility.


The Committee discussed the merits of the application and although it accepted that there would be noise generated from the log flume, Members also acknowledged that this would be in the context of other noise in the area from traffic and other visitor attractions.  Members considered that a temporary permission would be reasonable as the rationale for the relocation of the log flume was to enable refurbishment of the Pier.  However, acknowledging that the relocation would not commence until later in the year, the Committee considered that a temporary permission up until 1 April 2018 would be more appropriate to allow sufficient time for the refurbishment and subsequent dismantling of the ride to take place before the main holiday season in 2018.  The Committee discussed the opening hours for the ride and expressed concern at the potential noise levels beyond 20.00 hours and suggested that any amplified music should be switched off at this time with the ride being allowed to operate until 22.00 hours to reduce the impact on neighbouring residents, visitors and local businesses.  Members expressed similar concerns with the start time of 08.00 hours and considered that a later start time of 10.00 hours would be more appropriate.


Resolved:  That the application be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in the report being amended to discontinue and remove the log flume on or before 1 April 2018 and the hours of operation being from 10.00 hours to 22.00 hours, with the music ceasing at 20.00 hours.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.

Supporting documents: