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Agenda item


The Committee is requested to consider an application for planning permission, details of which are set out in the accompanying report.



The Committee considered planning application 15/0820 for the re-development of Anchorsholme Park to include new pumping station and associated buildings, storage tank control building, six vent stacks, erection of cafe and bowling club/maintenance building, re-contouring and landscaping of the Park, new amphitheatre feature, new footpaths, provision of MUGA (multi-use games area), trim trail, and children’s playground, new access from Princes Way, new walls and fencing, and works to the beach to allow for connection of a new marine outfall pipe.


Mr Shaw presented the Committee with an overview of the application and site layout plans.  He explained that United Utilities was currently undertaking significant work to install a large underground storage tank in the centre of the park and replacement of the existing water pumping station and outflow pipe to enable waste water to be deposited further into the Irish Sea.  The proposal sought to meet the requirements of the higher bathing quality standards introduced last year. 


Following completion of the United Utilities work, it was intended to provide a new park facility to include a café, a children’s play area and event space.  The existing tennis and badminton courts and football pitch would be relocated within the new Multi Use Games Area of the park.  There would be an extensive hard surfacing area to accommodate the new pumping station and maintenance buildings.  Mr Shaw reported the intention to have the park and Promenade on the same level to improve integration of the two facilities.  Members were referred to the Head of Transportation’s comments in the Update Note relating to the requirement for a Construction Management Plan to manage the hours of working and routeing of traffic during completion of the proposed scheme.  In response to a question from a Member of the Committee, Mr Shaw confirmed that the Construction Management Plan would be agreed jointly between the Head of Transportation, Planning officers and Environmental Protection.


Ms Firth and Mr Flynn, public objectors, spoke in objection to the application.  The main concerns raised included the impact on local residents as result of the re-development of the park in terms of anti-social behaviour, overlooking and noise. Further concerns included the removal of the pitch and putt facility and the location of the proposed bowling pavilion, particularly in relation to neighbouring properties.


Ms Jakubiak, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in favour of the application.  She reported on the requirement for the works to be undertaken by United Utilities to achieve the necessary Environmental Agency requirements and outlined the benefits to local residents from improvements in bathing water quality.  She also reported on steps taken to mitigate anti-social behaviour and confirmed that the buildings met the Secure by Design standard.  She reported on the engagement with the Council in producing the plans for the park and the public consultation that had been undertaken to ascertain residents’ views on the proposed development.


On invitation from the Chairman, Mr Shaw responded to concerns raised by the objectors.  In relation to potential anti-social behaviour and youths congregating in the area following changes to the park layout, Mr Shaw confirmed that the Police were in support of the application.  Regarding the loss of green space, a bowling green and pitch and putt facilities, Mr Shaw advised Members that Sport England was in support of the application and reported that officers from the Parks Department had been involved in the re-design of the park and outlined the consultation that had taken place which had included users of the existing park.  Mr Shaw acknowledged that the park was close to neighbouring residential properties, however, in his view, there was sufficient distance between the changes to the park and nearby properties so as not to adversely impact the amenity of local residents. 


Responding to questions from a Member of the Committee regarding comments made by the objector in  relation to potential anti-social behaviour from the siting of mounds within the park, Mr Shaw confirmed that the mounds were required as part of the land re-grading to provide protection from the weather. 


The Committee considered the objection raised by the public objector in relation to the siting of the bowling pavilion and questioned whether there would be merit in locating it on the northern most bowling green within the park.  Mr Shaw reported on a site visit that had been undertaken to determine the location for the pavilion.  He advised Members of the expectation that re-locating the pavilion within the park would generate similar concerns from residents of neighbouring properties of any new potential site.


Resolved:  That the application be approved, subject to the conditions, and for the reasons set out in the Appendix to the minutes.

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