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Agenda item


The Committee is requested to consider an application for planning permission, details of which are set out in the accompanying report.



The Committee considered planning application 15/0451 requesting outline planning permission for the erection of a part 5 /part 7 storey block of 99 self-contained permanent flats with car parking for 84 vehicles, access and associated works following demolition of existing hotels.


Mr Johnston presented the Committee with an overview of the application and site layout plans.  He reminded Members that planning permission had already been granted for a Hampton by Hilton Hotel on Bourne Crescent following demolition of the existing Palm Beach Hotel.  The Committee was advised that the height of the proposed development was not considered significantly taller than the Hampton by Hilton Hotel or the properties on the existing Crescent.  The majority of the balconies would be located at the front of the proposed building, with several balconies at the rear at some distance from the properties on Clifton Drive. 


The Committee was advised that, although the proposed development was situated within an area allocated for holiday accommodation in the Holiday Accommodation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), there had been significant changes to the character and appearance of the Crescent since 2011.  Mr Johnston reported on the recognition within the Core Strategy of the potential need for new residential offer on the Promenade due to the difficulties in sustaining holiday accommodation on it and that this, in his view, justified approval of the application.


Mr Johnston explained that the recommendation was to approve the application in principle and defer for delegation to the Head of Development Management subject to the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement in relation to the payment of a commuted sum for affordable housing and green space and the receipt of amended plans showing an acceptable transition between the proposed development and the remainder of the Crescent, and the agreement of acceptable floor plans.


Ms Harrison, public objector, spoke in objection to the application.  The main objections raised included the height and size of the proposed development, an increase in the number of cars as a result of the development, parking issues and impact on the privacy of the neighbouring properties. She also raised concerns regarding the ability to fully assess the impact of the proposed development on local residents due to the insufficiency of the plans and also cited inconsistencies with the current and previous planning applications submitted. 


On invitation from the Chairman, Mr Johnston responded to concerns raised relating to the height of the proposed development by reiterating that the bulk of the building would not be higher than the previously approved Hampton by Hilton development and that there would be a stepping down of the development towards the rear and neighbouring properties. He advised that the highest part of the building would be at some distance from nearby properties.


The Committee carefully considered the site layout plans and a further copy of a plan showing the rear of the development circulated to Members at the meeting.  The Committee raised concerns regarding the plans which in its view lacked clarity and sufficient detail to enable Members to make an informed decision on the application. It was suggested that a three dimensional plan could be helpful in providing a better perspective on the proposed development and in particular its proximity to neighbouring properties.


Resolved:  That consideration of the application be deferred to a future meeting to allow the opportunity for clearer and more detailed plans of the development to be submitted.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.

Supporting documents: