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Agenda item


To consider the performance of the Public Protection and Enforcement Service in relation to operational delivery.


Ms Jennifer Clayton, Head of Public Protection, presented a report which provided an overview of the work undertaken by Public Protection during 2023/2024. The report provided performance data in respect of Food Control, Health and Safety, Licensing, Trading Standards, Housing Enforcement and Mandatory and Selective Licensing. It also provided details of the joint working taking place with partners, such as the police, in addressing issues encountered in Blackpool.


Ms Clayton highlighted the good work undertaken with tattoo parlours where engagement with owners had encouraged compliance with health and safety standards enabling them to operate safely and successfully. Challenges in approach were also mentioned with Ms Clayton explaining that due to the nature of public protection work it was difficult to plan ahead, especially where unexpected threats emerged that required a timely response. She noted that the challenge in respect of implementing the restrictions imposed on XL-Bully dogs by the Government as an example of this. In part to assist in circumstances such as these and to improve the collection and sharing of data, the Council was seeking to acquire a new IT system. This would also improve the efficiency of data handling and allow better use of intelligence collected.


The operation of selective licensing schemes was discussed with Ms Clayton explaining that once in place every landlord within the affected area would have to apply to the Council to continue to rent out property. This would allow the Public Protection team to engage with them and ensure that their property met the expected standards. If subsequent to this improvements were required, Ms Clayton clarified that it would be the landlords’ responsibility to improve their property. In order that Members remained aware of the operation of selective licensing schemes in Blackpool, the Committee asked that an item on it be added for consideration for inclusion on the relevant scrutiny committee’s work programme 2024/2025.


The Noise Service was also discussed with Ms Lisa Arnold, Assistant Director for Community and Environmental Services (Community and Wellbeing), explaining that the service had been withdrawn in the 2024-2025 Council budget. She advised that this had been undertaken as the service had been closed during the Covid-19 pandemic and that new digital options existed that would enable similar work to be undertaken.


Superintendent James Black, Lancashire Constabulary, was also in attendance for this item and discussed the partnership work undertaken with the Public Protection team. He reported that the information provided by the team and the data collected had shown that the positive relationship between the Council and Police was having a positive impact on protecting the public within Blackpool.


The Committee noted the reference to a contaminated land review within the report with Ms Clayton advising that a review was under consideration with the potential for a strategy regarding such land in Blackpool being developed. Although Blackpool did not have any areas of contaminated land Ms Clayton explained that having a strategy in place would be best practice. Members asked that when drafted that the proposed strategy be brought to a future meeting for consideration.


The Committee agreed:


1.                  That the report be noted;

2.                  That Selective Licensing be added as a potential item for the relevant Scrutiny Committee’s 2024/2025 Committee Work Programme; and

3.                  That the proposed Contaminated Land Strategy be added as a potential item for the 2024/2025 Committee Work Programme.

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