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Agenda item


To provide an update regarding the implementation of the tree strategy and work to plant, protect and maintain trees in Blackpool.


Mr Paul Hodgson, Service Manager for Parks and Green Open Spaces, and Ms Lisa Arnold, Assistant Director for Community and Environmental Services (Community and Wellbeing), presented a report outlining the work undertaken since the implementation of the Tree Strategy in 2021 and detailing planned future work.


Mr Hodgson explained that the strategy had been developed in 2021, during the Covid-19 pandemic, and outlined the current situation regarding trees, their management, the Council’s legal obligations, planning process, policies and contained an action plan which aimed to increase and promote a high standard of tree management and care within Blackpool. Since 2021, over 9,000 trees had been planted, and each was subject to a three-year maintenance programme. He advised that the after care of trees planted and the maintenance of the existing stock formed the most crucial part of the strategy, ensuring that the green environment in Blackpool was sustainable.


A key achievement of the strategy had been the embedding of tree planting and preservation within other areas of the Council, such as planning and growth and prosperity. This had been shown by the involvement of tree officers in planning application considerations and the planning for economic development projects since 2021.


Going forward Mr Hodgson advised that a review of the strategy would be undertaken in 2024 to ensure that it remained relevant to the circumstances within Blackpool and that the accompanying action plan would also be reviewed to consider if its ambition could be grown.


The Committee queried if the existing objectives within the strategy’s action plan remained realistic, noting that some had not be achieved. Mr Hodgson advised that the strategy covered a ten year period up to 2031 and therefore although good progress had been made work was ongoing or had not yet commenced on all the objectives. He added that the review of the plan would assist in ensuring its objectives, while ambitious, were realistic and achievable.


Members also discussed the development of a tree nursery in Revoe with Mr Hodgson explaining that currently 60 trees had been planted there with more planned. Supplies of trees for planting were sourced from a number of different locations, depending on species, with a supplier in Southport being the main source for the majority of trees planted.


The growing of Christmas trees for use in Blackpool was discussed, with Members noting this would assist in sustainability. Mr Hodgson responded that although this would be desirable, fir trees were not suited to Blackpool’s coastal environment. If planted within Blackpool it was estimated that it could take up to 50 years for the trees to become acclimatised, meaning that if undertaken it would be a long term project for the Council.


The removal of trees before planning applications were submitted or tree protection orders could be imposed was highlighted, with Mr Hodgson stating that the Council was aware of the issue and that it had shown the importance of good intelligence and information on the location of trees within Blackpool.


Members queried the disposal of dead trees, with it being explained that disposal was based on an assessment of the area in which a tree had stood. If removed from a site a dead tree would be chipped at the Layton Depot. However, Mr Hodgson advised that in some cases leaving part of a dead tree was considered beneficial for the local environment, as it could be a habitat for wildlife. The other uses of dead wood was also under consideration, with it being noted that the high cost of milling wood meant that an identified purpose was needed before this could be undertaken.


Green improvements at bus stops were discussed with Councillor Paula Burdess, Cabinet Member Community Safety, Streetscene and Neighbourhoods, advising that previous plans had been delayed but that conversations would be restarted with Blackpool Transport Services Limited on what could be achieved. She added that it could be that Councillors adopted stops within their Wards to promote planting around them.


The Committee agreed: That the update be noted.


Mr Hodgson left the meeting following this item.

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