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Agenda item


To consider planning application 23/0848 for the erection of a part 5, part 6 storey hotel with 143 bedrooms and ancillary facilities, with car parking to rear accessed from Woodfield Road and landscaped external seating area to front.


(Councillor Baker having declared a prejudicial interest left the room during consideration of this item and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon).


The Committee considered planning application 23/0848 for the Erection of a part 5, part 6 storey hotel with 143 bedrooms and ancillary facilities, with car parking to rear accessed from Woodfield Road and landscaped external seating area to front.


Ms S Parker, Head of Development Management, outlined the report and provided the Committee with an overview of the site which had previously accommodated the four storey St Chad’s Terrace, Lyric Hotel and Regency Holiday Flats. The site was situated within the Resort Core, Defined Inner Area and the South Beach Promenade frontage. The Committee was advised that future growth and regeneration in Blackpool was focussed on the Inner Area and the Resort Core, as set out in Policies CS1 and CS21 and therefore the development was welcomed in this location.


Ms Parker outlined the proposed building which would be taller than the surrounding buildings, however the scale was considered to be appropriate and would provide a high quality, visually engaging building. Public art would be provided within the fabric of the building and this would accord with Policy DM25. No adverse amenity impacts had been identified. Some representations had been received in relation to the application and these had been addressed in the Committee Report.


In terms of planning obligations, the Committee was advised that tree planting would apply to the application and this would be addressed by onsite planting and innovative greening measures.


In respect of highways, Ms Parker noted that 28 spaces would be provided to the rear of the site which was a lesser provision than previous uses of the site, however the proposed provision was considered to be more suitable and safer in terms of highway safety. Car parking would be managed by the hotel and the site was accessible by public transport.


The Committee was advised that 10% biodiversity net gain was not a requirement for the scheme and that no unacceptable impacts on environmental quality were anticipated. The building would aim to achieve a BREEAM rating of ‘very good’ in order to accord with Policy CS10.


Ms Parker advised the Committee that the scheme was considered to be of high quality and would improve the appearance of the Promenade, supporting the Council’s regeneration strategy and vision. The Committee was asked to support the application subject to the conditions listed in the Committee Report.


Mr S Norris spoke in objection to the application and advised that he was generally supportive of the application, however he raised concerns in respect of parking on Woodfield Road. In addition Mr Norris informed the Committee that the demolition works had been carried out without adequate consultation with local businesses and residents.


Mr I White spoke in objection to the application and indicated that he too was broadly supportive of the proposals. He thanked the applicant for consulting with businesses and residents to address concerns in relation to parking and the impact of the building and asked that they continued to consult with those affected.


Mr K Allen, Traffic and Highways Officer, advised the Committee that he was aware of the issues around demolition works and that a Construction Management Plan would be in place.


Mr A Shepherd, Agent for the Applicant, spoke in favour of the application and outlined the hotels in Blackpool that were currently under the umbrella of the applicant, Fragrance UK. The proposal would deliver a high quality hotel and would enhance public realm to improve the image of the Promenade for visitors and guests. The development would provide employment in the form of 40 jobs and an additional 20/30 seasonal jobs. Mr Shepherd outlined the consultation that had taken place and that feedback had been listened to and acted upon. The Committee was asked to approve the application.


The Committee discussed the application and commended the applicant for the level of consultation that had been carried out and acted upon. The provision of glazing to obscure part of the full length windows was noted and welcomed.



To grant the application subject to the conditions as outlined in the Committee Report.

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