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Agenda item


To consider an overview of the refreshed Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy and its action plan.


Ms Lisa Arnold, Assistant Director of Community and Environmental Services (Community and Wellbeing) and Mr Paul Hodgson, Service Manager for Parks and Green Open Spaces, presented a report outlining work undertaken to review and update the Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy. Mr Hodgson informed the Committee that the document represented a first draft of the revised strategy and that following consultation a final draft would be brought back to a future meeting.


The strategy had originally been agreed in 2019 and Mr Hodgson reported that new legislation and the impact of recent events such as the Covid-19 pandemic had meant that a review of the document had been considered appropriate. The strategy had therefore been amended to link it to the new legislation and re-emphasise its links to other related Council strategies and policies. The strategy aimed to expand Blackpool’s “green” infrastructure across the town, especially into the town centre. In order to support this work he advised that development of an Action Plan had been undertaken with a consultant. He also highlighted that community engagement would be a key part of promoting green infrastructure work going forward.


In response to a query from Members, Mr Hodgson explained that the work to move the strategy forward would be undertaken by a new manager, who would work with the consultant to establish the Action Plan’s timetable, ensuring achievable targets and realistic timescales for projects. Ms Arnold added that the Action Plan would also have a degree of flexibility that would allow actions’ timescales to be amended if funding opportunities arose that allowed projects to be commenced sooner than expected.


Linking the work outlined in the strategy with other related Council strategies, Members highlighted the importance of a joined-up approach to ensure ambitions were achieved. Mr Scott Butterfield, Strategy, Policy and Research Manager, advised that the Council was revising its strategy development guidance for officers, to encourage a more joined-up approach to all strategy work. He added that work to embed this guidance was planned for February 2024.


The possibility of establishing seed banks for residents to use in their gardens as part of green and blue infrastructure work was raised, with Ms Arnold advising that although this was not a service that the Council could provide, the various “Friends Of” groups associated with various parks in Blackpool could be engaged to offer this services. It was noted that these groups would be best placed to provide residents with seeds suitable to their area.


The Committee noted that the original strategy had experienced issues in implementing projects, identifying issues with a scheme to provide Christmas trees that had resulted in many not surviving. Ms Arnold recognised that some issues had been experienced under the original strategy and that the Council was keen to learn from those mistakes and ensure learning was incorporated into future project planning.


Members also discussed what employment opportunities would be generated by green infrastructure work in Blackpool, with Mr Hodgson advising that opportunities were being explored with the Ranger Service and at Marton Mere. He added that discussions had also taken place regarding apprenticeships and work was underway to further upskill and training existing staff.


Habitat creation at Heron’s Reach was also raised with Mr Hodgson explaining that the work would be water based and would allow the area to retain more water while increasing ecological diversity in the area. The work with the Prince’s Trust at Heron’s Reach was queried with Members being informed that volunteers from the Trust were taught skills at the site by Council staff.


The Committee agreed:


1.      That the update be noted; and

2.      That the final draft of the revised Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan be brought back to a future meeting of the Committee.

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