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Agenda item


To provide committee members with an update about NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board, including the development of the vision and strategy.


Ms Karen Smith, Director of Adult Services, Blackpool Council and Director of Health and Care Integration (Blackpool), Lancashire and South Cumbria (ICB) and Ms Karen Tordoff, Place Development and Delivery Lead gave an overview of the work of the Integrated Care Board (ICB).


Members congratulated the ICB on the Active in Autumn event held in October 2023, Ms Smith advised that the event was part of a series of information sharing and promotion of service events, the next one would take place in Spring 2024.


The Committee acknowledged the development areas within the ICB, but felt that more information regarding data and performance of the ICB was required and how the new structure had impacted the general public, partners and customers.  Ms Smith advised that significant dialogue with NHS England would continue and advised that she would start to analyse the reports and provide key information to the Scrutiny Committee going forward.


Ms Amy Lepiorz, Associated Director Primary Care, ICB updated the Committee on the barriers within the General Practice (GP) and Primary Care services.  Access to services was the main concern raised by service users and she confirmed that 200 extra GP appointments would be available weekly in Blackpool.  Monitoring and assurance visits to gain an insight into how GP and Primary Care settings operated were underway to identify local challenges.


The Committee were advised that 10% of GP appointments in Blackpool were ‘Did Not Attend’ and more work was underway to reduce this, including text reminders for appointments.


Members acknowledged that development of the access to service would largely depend on changes in patient behaviour and offered support within their wards to promote the service and future changes.  This centred around; the impact of missed appointments, raising the profile of the new Community Pharmacy offer as first point of contact, and alternative ways to access advice and treatment.


Mr Nick Barkworth, Senior Delivery Manager (Dentistry) echoed the same challenges within the Dentistry service with regards to access to services.  He highlighted that the Dentistry industry had experienced a much slower rate of recovery following Covid pandemic, patients coming back to dental services was requiring more appointments per person for their treatment, in order to deal with the deterioration in their dental health.


In addition, large national private providers had ended their contracts to supply dentistry which had reduced the numbers of Dentists available locally and nationally. 


Mr Barkworth explained that the Dentistry service would use the challenging time as an opportunity to allow for real change and to develop new pathways and efficiency savings.


Both Ms Lepiorz and Mr Barkworth advised that a joint bespoke service to focus on hard to reach patients was available and proposed to hold a promotional event within the Anchorsholme Ward in an attempt to engage with local residents.


The Committee agreed:

1.      To note the content of the report and the progress made; and

2.      To receive future updates as appropriate with regards to the impact of the changes within the ICB.


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