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Agenda item


To update the Committee on key pieces of housing and homelessness work being undertaken, service performance, and progress made.


Ms Vikki Piper, Head of Housing presented the Housing and Homelessness Annual Report.


The Committee discussed the period of significant change in housing. With regards to the changes in three key pieces of emerging legislation, the Council felt that the changes should have a positive impact for Blackpool.


Members highlighted the limitations for building new property within Blackpool, in response Ms Piper advised that the main obstacle was due to lack of land availability.  The Committee noted the high percentage of the private rented sector within Blackpool and was advised that this characteristic was due to the historic decline in holiday accommodation coupled with the business model available in Blackpool which allowed for properties to be bought at a relatively low-price and rented out at a significant profit by private landlords.


Discussion regarding the Housing Register took place, Ms Piper reported that the current number of people on the register was approximately 12,000, however the data had not been cleansed to remove out-of-date information for some time.  She also advised that the number within the priority category was approximately 6,000. 


Members discussed the rough sleeper data and Ms Piper confirmed that the Council had been proactive and had a very solid multi agency approach to this issue. 


Ms Vikki Piper, Head of Housing advised that approximately 60 families were being supported with homelessness at that time, Members enquired as to how long the support would last for each individual family.


The Salvation Army had submitted a written report which was considered by the Committee.  The main issue raised in the report regarded the coalition between the voluntary sector, stakeholders and the local authority, Ms Vicky Leake, Y-LET Coordinator added that she supported this concern but also advised that partnership working in Housing Options had improved considerably over the last two years.  Both the Streetlife representative and Ms Piper agreed that data sharing arrangements were in place.


In respect of Winter Provision for rough sleepers, Ms Piper advised this had always been a partnership response between the local authority and voluntary sector, but that during Covid, the shift in responsibilities changed to predominantly the local authority and extra funding was provided. This had started to re-balance now and a number of providers were offering help with space and volunteers. 


Captain (Dr) John Clifton, The Salvation Army advised that he had been informed that Blackpool Council was no longer able to provide financial support for the extended winter provision to provide continual safe sleeping spaces for people who were street homeless during the cold weather.  Captain (Dr) Clifton advised that The Salvation Army was dedicated to exploring alternative funding avenues and collaborative approaches to ensure the continuity of winter provision; however, he urged the Council to re-evaluate the funding decision.


The Decent Homes Standard Pilot was also discussed, with Ms Piper acknowledging the concerns of the Committee with regards to the possible increase in homelessness.


Ms Piper informed the Committee that Housing Options staff had received Trauma Informed Training, but more work was needed to recognise and support staff exposed to second hand trauma.  She advised that a training programme had commenced across the sector, that additional training would be provided by an external provider and that staff wellbeing was also a priority in this area.


The Committee agreed:  To note the Housing and Homelessness update.


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