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Agenda item


To consider the updated Channel Shift Scrutiny Review action tracker, identifying areas of good progress and actions still requiring focus.


Mr Philip Welsh, Head of Tourism and Communication and Ms Kate Aldridge, Head of Corporate Delivery Performance and Commissioning provided an update on the progress made in implementing the recommendations from the Channel Shift Scrutiny Review Panel.


Recommendation 1


It was noted that work continued on creating a single sign on for Council services and that an ICT related solution would be required. With regards to the development of a brand/slogan for Channel Shift at Blackpool further work was needed and it was agreed that the Chair would meet with Mr Welsh outside of the meeting to discuss this further.

Recommendation 2

Ms Aldridge advised that work with the third and community sector was cohesive and services were working well together. The FYI Directory was regularly updated with a good system developed within the resources available. The Board noted the good progress made in implementing the recommendation.

Recommendation 3

The importance of educating people to stay safe when using social media was noted. The support had continued in order to improve levels of digital literacy. It was considered that the next steps would involve consideration of data access.

Recommendation 4

Mr Welsh advised that the Council website had been completely refreshed, links to the wholy-owned companies had been included with the parks information fully developed by the service. The importance of ensuring the information was regularly updated and refreshed was noted.


The Board noted the work undertaken to date and requested that the information regarding the wholly-owned companies, the work they do for the benefit of the town be expanded.

Recommendation 5

The update was noted and it was agreed to meet with Blackpool Coastal Housing outside of the Board meeting.

Recommendation 6

It was noted that a regular staff newsletter incorporating a blog by the Chief Executive was now being distributed. Members considered it important that staff also benefited from Channel Shift.

Recommendation 7

Ms Aldridge reported that Covid had impacted the implementation of the recommendation. It was noted that the number of systems used by services, even with the NHS itself, made the situation complex. The focus was on ensuring that adult social care and health services had access to the information they needed to support a patient. Staff were more integrated than ever and were often co-located to promote information sharing.

Recommendation 8

It was noted that the cost of bin-tags was currently prohibitive.

Recommendation 9

Work was continuing on the Adopt and Alley scheme.

Recommendation 10

It was reported that resource had been put into developing a staff newsletter and an e-newsletter version of Your Blackpool. The newsletters were content rich and offered opportunities to engage and interactivity. There was still a market for the paper version which would continue to be circulated.


The Board agreed:

1.      To note the updates provided on the recommendations.

2.      That the Chair hold individual meetings with Mr Welsh and Blackpool Coastal Housing to progress some of the recommendations further.

3.      To receive a full update on the recommendations to the Board in approximately 12 months time.

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