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Agenda item


To consider planning application number 22/0499 for the erection of 1no detached dwelling in rear garden, with associated access from Cottesmore Place (resubmission of withdrawn application ref: 21/0476) at 6 Whinney Heys Road, Blackpool, FY3 8NP.


The Committee considered planning application 22/0499 for the erection of one detached dwelling in rear garden, with associated access from Cottesmore Place at 6 Whinney Heys Road, Blackpool.


Ms S Parker, Head of Development Management outlined the report and advised the Committee that the application was a resubmission of a previously withdrawn application. This application proposed a much better split of land between the two properties in relation to the size and position of the house with a reduction in the size of the property and movement to prevent impingement on a United Utilities sewer easement.


The Committee was advised that the National Planning Policy Framework identified garden land as ‘previously developed’, that the Local Plan did not preclude development in gardens and the proposed dwelling met all minimum standards. The key consideration for the Committee was the impact of the proposal on the character and amenities of the area. Ms Parker noted that no unacceptable impact on privacy, sunlight or daylight was anticipated.


In relation to the dwelling’s location, this would be within the rear garden of a property fronting Whinney Heys Road but would also form part of the street scene of Cottesmore Place and this street was characterised by 1970s design properties. The proposed dwelling would not emulate these designs but would include a canopy of the door and window proportions and materials to reflect those of its neighbours.


In relation to the garden and highways matters, Ms Parker confirmed that at least half of the proposed front garden would be given over to planting and that the Head of Highways and Traffic Management had not raised any objections to the scheme. Cottesmore Place was double yellow lined, the property would provide sufficient parking and there were no unacceptable impacts on highway safety arising from the provision of an additional driveway.


The Committee was advised that although some conifer trees had been removed, this had not created any unacceptable impact on the Stanley Park Conservation Area or the nearby Grade II* Listed Shrine and appropriate replacement planting had been secured, which also met the requirements of the Greening Blackpool Supplementary Planning Document. In addition, Ms Parker noted that no issues in relation to environmental quality, sustainability or drainage had been raised by the relevant consultees.


The Committee was asked to grant planning permission subject to the conditions listed in the Officer Report.


Ms B Sunderland spoke as the applicant and advised the Committee that the application had been amended and resubmitted to alleviate previously raised concerns and that the design was sympathetic to the surrounding houses. No highways concerns had been raised and the property had been moved in order to avoid a United Utilities sewer easement. Ms Sunderland noted that one of the pictures used was out of date and that the fencing was now brand new.


The Committee discussed the application and noted the amendments that had been made for the resubmission.



To approve the application subject to the conditions set out in the Report.

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