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Agenda item


To inform the Committee of the work undertaken by Adult Services on a day to day basis in order to allow effective scrutiny of services.


Ms Karen Smith, Deputy Director of People (Adult Services) presented the Adult Services Overview Report and the Chairman invited questions from the Committee.


The Committee discussed delayed discharges and noted that 70% were attributed to health. Members requested that further information be sought from Blackpool Teaching Hospitals Trust as to the reasons why the discharges had been delayed. The Committee also considered that the figures provided did not include discharges from Lancashire Care Foundation Trust (LCFT) and requested that discharge information for LCFT also be sought. Ms Smith advised that a large amount of work was undertaken by all partners to ensure patients were discharged when appropriate.


Members considered the safeguarding information provided in the report and considered that it was not detailed enough to allow for effective scrutiny. In response, Ms Smith advised that she would expand the level of detail in future reports and include a trend analysis of incidents where appropriate.


The Committee reviewed the respite care provision available in Blackpool and queried the level of consultation undertaken prior to the closure of Hoyle House. Ms Smith advised that service users had highly valued the service and the consultation undertaken prior to the closure of the facility had informed the decision to allow service users to book respite beds in advance and balance pre-booking with emergency needs.


Members raised concerns regarding the limited level of provision of respite care for adults with learning disabilities as highlighted in the commissioning review and were advised that there was capacity within the current provision. Ms Smith further advised that the Shared Lives Scheme provided respite services.


The Committee further discussed the commissioning review that had resulted in a 12 month pre-booking pilot scheme being put in place to support respite provision in the private sector and requested regular updates detailing the monitoring of the pilot scheme including occupancy rates and how the results of the pilot would inform future respite provision.


In response to a further question, Ms Smith advised that previously one provider of respite care had been subject to suspension by the authority and had received an inadequate rating from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), however, a re-inspection had recently been undertaken and the provider now ‘required improvement.’ Following concern raised that sufficient improvement had not been made, Ms Smith advised the Committee that it was not possible to move straight from ‘inadequate’ to ‘good’ and that progress had been made.


Members discussed the CQC outcomes of regulated services in Blackpool and queried if homecare providers were inspected in the same manner. Ms Smith advised that homecare providers had not yet been inspected but were due to be. She further advised that homecare services were a particular focus of the Blackpool Adult Safeguarding Board and regular meetings were held with providers in order to consider repeat problems. Councillor Cross, Cabinet Member advised that she regularly met with Ms Smith to consider concerns and an overview of general trends would be provided to a future meeting of the Committee.


The Committee noted that three providers of regulated services had been suspended to new care packages and sought assurance that adults in receipt of services were safe. Councillor Cross reassured Members that this was the case and advised that regular contact was made with the providers and additional support measures had been put in place. Ms Smith highlighted the recent case whereby the Council had terminated a contact with a provider when it was considered the provider could not maintain a safe service.


In response to questions regarding the budget, Councillor Cain advised that every service was under review, in order to identify the additional £5 million savings required. Ms Smith added that new approaches were being identified, which would provide long term savings, such as the provision of positive behavioural support in partnership with Children’s Services to prevent an escalation and the person requiring more support as an adult.


The Committee agreed:

1.             To request additional information regarding delayed discharges from Blackpool Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust and Lancashire Care Foundation Trust.

2.             That future Adult Services Overview Reports contain more detailed safeguarding information.

3.             To receive regular updates regarding the Pilot Scheme for Respite Provision including occupancy rates and how the results of the pilot would inform future respite provision.

4.             To receive an overview of general trends of any concerns in relation to homecare provision.

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