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Agenda item


To consider application number 22/0859 for the Provision of 1no. full size 11 a-side artificial grass pitch and 1no. 5 a-side artificial grass pitch with associated floodlighting, erection of a single storey changing pavilion and storage building, vehicular access off Seasiders Way, parking, public realm, landscaping and associated works following demolition of an industrial building off Field Street.


The Committee considered application number 22/0859 for the provision of one full size 11 a-side artificial grass pitch and one 5 a-side artificial grass pitch with associated floodlighting, erection of a single storey changing pavilion and storage building, vehicular access off Seasiders Way, parking, public realm, landscaping and associated works following demolition of an industrial building off Field Street.


Ms Susan Parker, Head of Development Management, provided the Committee with an outline of the application and proposals for the site which comprised of two enclosed and floodlit artificial grass football pitches, changing facilities, car parking and public realm provision. The proposal also included a building to store equipment for the main stadium and would require demolition of an industrial unit on Field Street. The Committee was advised that the application site included part of a housing allocation which had been expected to deliver around 56 dwellings within the site boundary. Whilst this loss of housing allocation did weigh against the scheme, the site was not critical for housing delivery.


The Committee was advised that in relation to the Core Strategy, there was a focus on brownfield redevelopment in Inner Areas and neighbourhood regeneration and the Core Strategy supported development to encourage healthy and active lifestyles. The proposal would regenerate a partially vacant brownfield site and provide accessible sporting opportunities to a deprived Inner Area neighbourhood. Sport England had not objected to the scheme, subject to submission of a Community Use Agreement and Ms Parker confirmed that the proposal did not undermine viability of other existing or planned 3G artificial grass pitches as outlined in the Playing Pitch Strategy.


Ms Parker advised the Committee that there was no strategic need for the sporting facility, however the community and regeneration benefits weighed heavily in the planning balance and the principle of the development was considered to be acceptable. The Update note referred to a proposed single storey store in the northeast corner between the north and east stand. This location had historically been used for storage, however this had been granted temporary planning permission for use as a fan zone. Ms. Parker advised that this had no bearing upon the consideration of this application. Some potential for noise disturbance and light pollution had been identified and a condition restricting usage times of the pitches was proposed, along with angled and shrouded floodlights and a 3 metre high acoustic fence, in order to safeguard residential amenity.


The application was considered to be acceptable in terms of design and layout and a significant amount of public realm would be provided with a high quality landscaping scheme which would have a positive visual impact on the area. Though the details would need to be agreed by condition, this would provide a green link between Revoe Park and Seasiders Way and enhance biodiversity in the area.


In respect of parking provision, the Update Note stated that the final car park layout would be agreed by condition to ensure that the number of electric vehicle, accessible spaces and cycle storage met the Council’s parking standards. Ms Parker advised the Committee that United Utilities had identified a number of assets within the application site and a condition in respect of diversion or protection of water mains was necessary. The proposed additional condition was detailed within the Update Note.


In conclusion, Ms Parker advised that no issues relating to drainage, ecology or environmental quality had been identified and the proposal would provide regeneration to a brownfield site and health, social and environmental benefits to a deprived area. As such, the benefits of the proposal outweighed the partial loss of housing allocation. The Committee was asked to support the application and delegate authority to the Head of Development Management to issue the decision on conclusion of negotiations with Highways Officers and subject to the appropriate conditions as detailed in the Officer Report and the Update Note.


Mr Ed Harvey, planning agent for the applicant, spoke in favour of the application and advised the Committee that the development would provide a new sports village including new pitches, facilities and public realm that would be open to community use. It would provide investment in the community and regenerate a partially vacant brownfield site. Little impact was anticipated in relation to neighbour amenity and mitigations would be put in place via condition. No objections had been received from the Football Federation or Sport England and the Committee was asked to support the application.


The Committee discussed the application and considered it to be a high quality application, a positive use of land and would have social benefits as well as contributing to social inclusion.


A motion was moved and seconded to support the application and delegate authority to the Head of Development Management to issue the decision on conclusion of negotiations with Highways Officers and subject to the appropriate conditions as detailed in the Officer Report and the Update Note.



To support the application and delegate authority to the Head of Development Management to issue the decision on conclusion of negotiations with Highways Officers and subject to the appropriate conditions as detailed in the Officer Report and the Update Note.

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