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Agenda item


To consider planning application 21/1013 for the erection of external staircase to rear between tram shelter and sub-station buildings (to access previously approved cafe roof terrace) and installation of new windows to west elevation.


The Committee considered application number 21/1013 for the erection of an external staircase to rear between tram shelter and sub-station buildings (to access previously approved cafe roof terrace) and installation of new windows to the west elevation.


Ms C Johnson, Principal Planning Officer, presented the report to the Committee and advised that the application site was locally listed as Bispham Tram Station and was before Committee at the request of Chairman, as as there was an objection to the proposal.


Amendments had been made to the application since first submitted and was now for a rear external staircase between the Tram Station and the adjacent substation with new windows in the west elevation. An existing roof terrace had been installed in line with previously approved planning permission for use of the property as a café and the proposed staircase would provide access to the terrace.


The Committee was advised that the external staircase would be accessed from inside the café, with an external gate which would open outwards onto the rear promenade. This gate would only be used for deliveries and as an emergency exit, not for general access and egress. As the staircase would be at the rear of the building and positioned in an existing recess, it was considered that it would not harm the character or significance of the building.


Ms Johnson advised that an objection had been received regarding the gate and safety issues as the gate opened outwards into the path of pedestrians and cyclists. Work had been undertaken with the applicant, case officer, Highways, Engineering Services and Building Control and this concern would be addressed by inclusion of a fixed guard rail at the rear.


The applicant had worked with Planning Officers to address these issues in consultation with highways, engineering services and Building Control and the plans now include a fixed guard rail at the rear which pedestrians and cyclists would navigate around to ensure that the gate did not open out into their path. The Committee was reminded that although the objection also raised the issue of the land not being within the applicant’s lease and the staircase being on Council land, these were not planning considerations.


The Committee was advised that the proposal would contribute to the sustainable future of this locally listed building, that any safety issues had been resolved, subject to conditions and the Committee was recommended to grant planning permission subject to the conditions listed.


The Committee discussed the application and noted the improvements that had already been made to the building. In relation to the proposed guard rail which would address safety concerns raised by the objector, the Committee agreed that there could be some danger to pedestrians and cyclists on the Promenade and suggested that the guard rail could be painted in a brighter colour to improve visibility. In addition, consideration could be given to putting markings on the ground for a short period of time, to alter pedestrians and cyclists to the guard rail’s existence. Ms Johnson advised that the Committee could request such a condition and if the applicant was not agreeable to this, then the application could be brought back before the Committee for further consideration.



To grant planning permission subject to the conditions in the Committee Report and subject to a further condition to paint the guard rail to improve visibility and include markings on the ground around the rail.

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