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Agenda item


To consider planning application 22/0498 for the erection of front terrace and installation of bi-fold doors at ground floor (resubmission of application 22/0243) at 58-60 Hornby Road.


The Planning Committee considered application 22/0498 for the erection of a front terrace and installation of bi-fold doors at ground floor (resubmission of application 22/0243) at the Barrons Hotel 58-60 Hornby Road.


Ms Susan Parker, Head of Development Management, presented the application to the Planning Committee. The application was for the installation of two sets of folding doors of the front elevation and the erection of decking to occupy the forecourt of the hotel with steps in the centre of the decking and access ramps to either side. The 1m gap between the boundary with the highway would be filled with planters and the decking would have a 1.1m high balustrade around its edges. The proposed decking would be used as external seating for the hotel. Ms Parker noted that proposal would result in the loss of informal car parking but noted that the Head of Highways and Traffic Management had not objected and considered that the loss of parking would not be noticeable. Ms Parker emphasised the removal of these spaces would not require planning permission in any case and neither would any informal use as a seated areas. In summary Ms Parker emphasised the relatively modest nature of the application and that some objections raised concerns about the operation of the hotel that would require to be addressed by other means.


Ms Parker explained that any use of the hotel restaurant as an independent entity separate to the hotel use would require planning permission and would be a matter to be investigated by the Council’s Planning Enforcement team. As no such change of use was proposed, the potential for this situation to develop could not be afforded weight and  could not be used as a reason for refusal. Concerns had also been raised as to the outdoor seating increasing the potential of noise nuisance and anti-social behaviour but on balance it was not felt that this could justify a refusal of planning permission given the area could currently be used and that conditions which mitigated these concerns be restricting the use of area after a certain time had been recommended.


Mr Ian White, Public Objector, spoke in objection to the application. Mr White expressed his concerns and that of Stay Blackpool the organisation of which he was a member. Mr White expressed concern about the potential for increased noise nuisance for neighbouring properties through increased use of the outdoor space, concerns about lack of supervision of the outside area, concerns of the operation of the premises as a restaurant/bar rather than a hotel and the potential health and safety risks of a poorly maintained or lit outside area.


Councillor Mark Smith, Ward Councillor for Talbot ward, spoke in objection to the application. He confirmed his support of Mr White’s objections and expressed concerns about the potential of the application to add to noise nuisance. Councillor Smith also suggested that there should be more consideration given to lighting and canopies to ensure the outdoor space represented a safe area.



The Committee considered carefully the application, representation received and observations from the Planning Officer. While noting the relatively modest scope of the application, the Committee also noted the significant concerns of local residents regarding noise nuisance and the need for landscaping to be suitable for the site and both mitigate noise and facilitate monitoring of the site. It also concluded that the outside area should close at 9pm to avoid adding to the nuisance already experienced in the area.


The Committee therefore concluded The Committee concluded that the application should be granted in principle subject to the conditions in the officer’s report and on the expiry of the consultation period unless significant objections raising new points were received with the following amendments to conditions:


        i.         That the external terrace should not be used outside the hours of 9.00 to 21.00.


       ii.         That the landscaping scheme be extended across the whole width of the terrace with no access direct from Hornby Road onto the terrace. Instead access to be obtained from the side of the terrace or from within the building.


     iii.         That details of any lighting scheme be submitted and approved by the Head of Development Management prior to the outside area being brought into use and maintained to the satisfaction of the Head of Development Management. The use of floodlighting would not be considered acceptable but low level security lighting and decorative festoon lighting would be appropriate.





To grant planning permission in principle subject to the conditions listed in the Committee Report and above, and to delegate authority to the Head of Development Management to issue the decision notice, once the statutory 21 day consultation period expires on the 2 August 2022.


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