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Agenda item


To consider planning application 21/0537 for the erection of 5 detached, two storey dwellings with associated landscaping and parking and parking with access off Moss House Road.


The Planning Committee considered planning application 21/0537 for the erection of five detached two-storey dwellings with associated landscaping and parking with access off Moss House Road.


Ms Clare Johnson, Principal Planning Officer, outlined the report and and provided an outline of the site which was accessed off Moss House Road between numbers 17 and 21.  The site was formerly a nursery but had not been used for many years.  The site was within the South Blackpool Housing Growth area under Policy CS25 and in 2019 the Planning Committee had approved an outline scheme for access to the site for 5 houses.  Therefore the principle of housing development of this scale was considered to be acceptable. The scheme would contribute to the borough’s housing provision although the contribution would be minor.


Members were informed that the ongoing housing development at Redwood Point in the wider Moss House Road area was anticipated to deliver 422 dwellings, but Ms Johnson emphasised that this application site was separate from that development.


Three of the houses would provide three bedrooms and two of the houses would provide four bedrooms and this mix was considered appropriate in this location.  The houses would largely meet the Nationally Described Space Standards and would have sufficient private amenity space, providing a good standard of accommodation for future occupants.  The layout of the development provided sufficient separation distances between the proposed houses, the existing houses and the approved (but not yet built) houses at Redwood Point and therefore no unacceptable amenity issues are anticipated.  The houses were standard house types that were similar in style and materials to those on the wider housing development and the proposed houses would be in keeping with the new housing in the area.


Ms Johnson noted that car parking provision was considered to be acceptable as each property would have four parking spaces which exceeded the parking standards.  Two additional spaces sited off the access would also be provided for visitors.  The Head of Highways and Traffic Management has raised no concerns regarding the access or parking provision, subject to conditions including the requirement to provide electric vehicle charging infrastructure. 


In respect of drainage, the site would have a drainage pond where most of the surface water runoff would be directed before being discharged at an attenuated rate.  A drainage ditch was situated to the rear/north of the site and United Utilities had requested that this was considered as part of the drainage strategy for the site.  That watercourse would form part of the Redwood Point drainage system and it was unclear when it would be linked in and functional.  The Council’s Drainage Officer was supporting the drainage strategy as shown in principle, subject to conditions agreeing the finer details and on that basis, the development should drain satisfactorily without causing flood risk elsewhere.


Members were informed that a tree protection plan had been submitted which demonstrated that the development could proceed without harming more mature trees and hedgerow around the site and tree planting was proposed within the site.  Detailed landscaping could be agreed by condition along with boundary details and ecological enhancements to ensure that the scheme would deliver ecological benefits to the area.  Given the size of the site, no public open space could be provided on-site and a contribution of £5,848 should be secured to provide or enhance public open space off-site.


The Planning Committee was recommended to approve the application subject to the conditions in the Committee report and the signing of a Section 106 Agreement for public open space contributions.


The Planning Committee discussed the application and in response to points made, Ms Johnson confirmed that the proposed parking provision exceeded the minimum parking standards. 




To grant planning permission subject to the signing of a Section 106 Agreement relating to a financial contribution of £5,848.00 towards off-site public open space.

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