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Agenda item


The Committee to consider and determine a request for a review of a decision of the Council to dismiss an employee.


(This item contains personal information regarding the appellant, which is exempt from publication by virtue of Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972).




The Committee considered the request to review the decision of the Council to dismiss an employee.


The appellant, accompanied by a Trade Union representative, was in attendance at the meeting.


Mrs Dutton (Head of Human Resources and Workforce Development) and Ms Goodall (Head of Legal, Governance and Partnerships) were in attendance to advise the Committee on policy and procedure only and had taken no part in the original decision.  Also in attendance was Mrs Cook, Clerk to the Committee.


The relevant Head of Service, Investigating Officer and Employee Relations Adviser presented the case on behalf of the Authority.


The Committee carefully considered all the representation and documentation put forward by both parties.  The Committee considered all the information provided by the appellant regarding their personal circumstances.


The Committee acknowledged the information put forward by both the appellant and the Local Authority and were satisfied that the Council’s policies and procedures had been followed and the decision to dismiss was reasonable and proportionate given the admitted issues.


The Committee noted the efforts made to support the appellant with their significant personal problems; however the Committee agreed with the relevant Head of Services that the Council could not ignore the risks to the safety of the appellant, colleagues and the public.




That the appeal is dismissed as the Committee was satisfied that the Council’s relevant policies and procedures had been correctly followed and the decision was reasonable and proportionate.


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