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Agenda item


To consider the attached report to appoint Committees of the Council.


The Council considered the report on the appointment of its committees for the 2014/2015 municipal year.  In doing so, it noted the application of the political balance rules and that in accordance with legislation, a political group could only be treated as being constituted when it comprised of two or more members of the Council and that a single member had no legal entitlement to places on committees, unless there was a resolution of Council, which no member voted against.  Members were aware that there were currently three casual vacancies on the Council and that as the previous holders of the vacant seats were Labour councillors, the political balance calculations reflected the appropriate reduction in the number of seats to be allocated to the Labour group in some committees. 


It was noted that the Licensing Committee was not subject to these calculations although the proposals were for the Liberal Democrat member to be appointed to that Committee and to continue to be involved in the scrutiny panels appointed by the Scrutiny Committee.


In relation to other committees (namely the Scrutiny Committee, Health Scrutiny Committee, Planning Committee, Appeals Committee, Finance and Audit Committee, Standards Committee and Chief Officers Employment Committee) it was recommended for these to be reappointed according to their current terms of reference.  It was also proposed for the Area Forums to be reappointed on the basis agreed in December 2013. 


A full schedule of committees was submitted to the Council containing the notified names of committee members, Lead Scrutiny Members/Shadow Cabinet Members and proposed Chairmanship and Vice Chairmanship nominees.


Motion:  Councillor Blackburn proposed (and Councillor Jackson seconded):


‘1.  To appoint a ‘Scrutiny Committee’, in line with the political balance calculations set out at Appendix 11(a) to the Council report, (membership of fourteen and with a composition of nine Labour and five Conservative), with the powers and duties as set out in the Constitution.


2.  That the ‘Scrutiny Committee’ also appoints the two diocesan co-opted representatives and the two governor co-opted representatives.


3.  That the Scrutiny Committee be requested to appoint a ‘Call In’ Sub Committee, (membership of eight and with a composition of five Labour and three Conservative), to meet as and when required, with the powers and duties, as set out in the Constitution.


4.  That the Scrutiny Committee continues to set up short life scrutiny panels for review purposes, to include, where appropriate, any other non-executive member of the Council, including the Liberal Democrat member.


5.  That six ‘lead’ scrutiny members continue be appointed on the basis of four Conservative ‘lead’ members and two Labour ‘lead’ members, the lead members to be as set out in Appendix 11(b) to the Council report (these to also be standing members of the Scrutiny Committee).


6.  To also appoint the following committees, in line with the political balance calculations and adjustments at Appendix 11(a) to the Council report.  These are:


·        Health Scrutiny Committee (membership of eight and with a composition of fiveLabour and three Conservative)

·        Planning Committee (membership of nine and with a composition of six Labour and three Conservative)

·        Appeals Committee (membership of six and with a composition of four Labour and two Conservative)

·        Finance and Audit Committee (membership of six and with a composition of four Labour and two Conservative).

·        Standards Committee (membership of six and with a composition of four Labour and two Conservative).

·        Chief Officers Employment Committee (membership of six and with a composition of four Labour and two Conservative).


7.  To agree that the powers and duties of those committees at resolution 6 above remain as set out in the Constitution.


8.  That the Licensing Committee also be re-appointed with the powers and duties as set out in the Constitution (membership of fourteen and a composition of nine Labour, four Conservative and one Liberal Democrat).


9.  That the Licensing Committee be requested to re-appoint the Public Protection Sub-Committee, with the powers and duties, as set out in the Constitution (membership of six and with a composition of four Labour and two Conservative).


10.  To note the appointment of members to committees as set out in Appendix 11(b) of the Council report. 


11.  That the seven Area Forums be re-appointed with the continuing powers and duties as agreed at the Annual Council 2012 and 2013.


12.  To agree to the appointment of the Chairmen and Vice Chairmen for those committees identified at Appendix 11(b) to the Council report, based on the above recommendations, with the exception of the Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee, where it is recommended that this position be appointed by the Committee itself.


13.  To confirm the recommendation of the Health and Wellbeing Board in that Amanda Doyle be appointed Vice Chairman of the Board and re-affirm the membership of the Board as set out in Appendix 11(b) of the Council report.


14.  To agree that the Head of Democratic Services be authorised to amend the Constitution accordingly.


15.  To agree that a further report be submitted to the June Council meeting on the political balance calculations and their effect on committees following the election of three councillors at the by elections on 22nd May 2014.’


Motion carried:  The motion on being submitted to the Council was carried.