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Agenda item


To consider and recommend to Council the Blackpool Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Publication Version and associated documents.


Once approved the documents will form part of the Council’s policy framework.


To recommend to the Council:


(1)   To approve the Publication Version of the Blackpool Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies document (the Proposed Submission document) (Appendix A to the Executive report) and accompanying evidence base documentation; Publication Policies Map (Appendix B to the Executive report); Consultation Statement including the responses to the representations received to the Informal Consultation Paper (January 2019) (Appendix C to the Executive report); Sustainability Appraisal (Appendix D to the Executive report) and Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening (Appendix E to the Executive report) and supporting documentation and give authority for its publication and subsequent submission to the Secretary of State.


(2)   That should the person appointed to carry out the examination consider that the circumstances are as described in s20(7B) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, to formally request that s/he recommend any necessary modifications to the Plan to make the Plan satisfy the appropriate requirements and soundness, pursuant to section 20 (7C) of the 2004 Act.


(3)   That the Head of Planning Strategy, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Job Creation, be given delegated authority to propose minor amendments to improve the clarity of the documentation referred to under recommendation (1) and which do not alter the substance of the document when submitting the Plan to the Secretary of State (these amendments will be highlighted) and during the Examination process.  


(4)   To approve the draft Duty to Cooperate Statement of Common Ground (SoCG) (Appendix F to the Executive report), for consultation alongside publication of the Publication Version of the Local Plan Part 2; that the Head of Planning Strategy, after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Business, Enterprise and Job Creation, be given delegated authority to make any amendments to the Statement of Common Ground where necessary in response to representations received; and to publish the final version as an evidence base document to the Blackpool Local Plan Part 2.


Supporting documents: