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Agenda item



NOTE:  Councillor D Coleman re-joined the meeting prior to consideration of this item.


The Committee considered planning application 20/0287 seeking permission for the erection of a single storey side extension and external alterations to existing Class A1 retail store, and part use as a retail foodstore with associated works to existing car park and alterations to existing access and egress onto Holyoake Avenue at the former B&Q premises at Holyoake Avenue. 


Mr Shaw, Principal Planning Officer provided an overview of the application and presented the site location, layout plans and aerial view of the site. He advised on the existence of a Section 52 legal agreement currently in place that limited sales to specific items.  He drew Members’ attention to the amended conditions 8, 9, 10 and 12 relating to the retail foodstore as detailed in the update note.  He also advised on an additional condition that would be required relating to the remaining floor space to reiterate the existing Section 52 legal agreement.  Mr Shaw referred to two main planning considerations with the application, namely the requirement of a sequential test and retail impact statement and concluded that in his view the policy requirements for a retail development had been met.  Mr Shaw also referred to the additional comment from the Local Highways Authority that reported its conclusion that access closest to Holyoake Avenue would be egress only and this had been accepted by the applicants.  The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions and on the basis of a sum of £30,000 being paid to the Council via a Section 106 legal agreement to enable appropriate alterations to be carried out to the traffic signal junction of Holyoake Avenue, Plymouth Road, Bispham Road and Warbreck Hill Road, in accordance with an agreed scheme, and also to discharge the retail restriction in the Section 52 Agreement on planning permission 82/1679.






Mr Patel, National Planning and Networks Manager, reported on the benefits of the highway changes, which in his view would not have a detrimental impact on the nearby junction, and the expectation of £30,000 being secured from the applicant to fund the necessary works.


Mr Sobic, Applicant’s Agent, spoke in support of the application, advising of the applicant’s investment in the proposal, which in his view demonstrated a long-term commitment.  He also advised on the economic benefits of the proposal in terms of employment and increased food retail offer to local residents.  Mr Sobic referred to amended condition 10 in the update note which limited the delivery and servicing hours on a Sunday to 8.00am to 6.00pm and asked the Committee to consider amending this to replicate the Monday to Saturday hours of 6.00am to 11.00 pm.  He indicated his support to the recommendation proposed by the planning officer, subject to the amendment of the Sunday servicing hours.


Mr Shaw advised on the standard practice of consulting with the Council’s Environmental Protection team for requests to amend servicing hours and it was noted that there was no Environmental Protection officer at the meeting to comment upon the request.



Councillor Scott, Ward Councillor, advised on his view the benefits of the proposal in terms of preventing potential increase in anti-social behaviour from an empty property, benefits to local residents and increased footfall to the area. 


The Committee considered the proposal and commented positively on proposal in terms of economic benefit and employment opportunities.


Resolved:  To delegate approval to grant the application, subject to conditions including the amended conditions 8, 9, 10 and 12 as detailed in the update note and an additional condition relating to the remaining floor space, subject to a Section 106 legal agreement requiring payment of £30,000 to undertake alterations to then traffic signal junction of Holyoake Avenue, Plymouth Road, Bispham Road and Warbreck Hill Road in accordance with an agreed scheme, and also to discharge the retail restriction in the Section 52 Agreement on planning permission 82/1679 and subject to consultation with Environmental Protection regarding the hours of delivery and servicing on Sunday, for the reasons outlined in the decision notice, which can be accessed via the link below:



Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.


Supporting documents: