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Agenda item


The Committee will be requested to consider an application for planning permission,

details of which are set out in the accompanying report.


The Planning Committee considered planning application 19/0803 that sought permission for the erection of a two-storey link extension, creation of additional car parking facilities and use of 51 Shaftesbury Avenue in conjunction with 47-49 Shaftesbury Avenue as an enlargement of existing care home.


Mr Shaw, Principal Planning Officer, provided the Committee with an overview of the application and presented the proposed site layout, location and elevation plans and aerial views of the site.  He advised that the proposal, if granted, would increase the capacity of the care home to 26 residents, with an additional five en-suite bedrooms.  He also reported on the design of the proposed extension.  Mr Shaw referred to the objections to the proposal as detailed in the report.  He also referred to the letters of support for the development, noting that these had been submitted predominantly on behalf of existing or previous care home residents.


Mr Shaw reported on the interpretation of Policy BH24 of the Local Plan that sought to protect the character and amenity of a residential area and avoid undue concentration of rest homes.  Policy BH24 restricted the occupancy level of residential institutions to approximately no more than 10% of a residential block. Mr Shaw advised the Committee that should the application be granted it would result in 20% of the defined block being residential institutions, which would be contrary to Policy BH24.  Mr Shaw also reported on the design of the proposed extension, which in his view would impact on the amenity of residents of neighbouring properties.


Mr Thorne-Hebson, public objector, spoke against the application.  His main concerns included his view of the impact on the character of the area from the over intensive development.  Further concerns related to the potential increase in noise disturbance and parking issues, highway safety and his view of the adverse impact on the amenity of the residents of neighbouring properties.


Ms Herrington, Manager of the Care Home, spoke in support of the application.  She reported on the challenges faced by the care sector, particularly in the current climate.  She also referred to the lack of any complaints relating to noise disturbance and a limited increase in parking requirement.  She also advised on her view of the benefits of the proposed development in terms of additional provision for elderly patients and increased amenities for the benefit of residents and their families.


Mr Weetman, Agent for the Applicant, also spoke in support of the application.  He questioned the planning officer’s interpretation of Policy BH24 and the appropriateness of the Policy in the current climate.  He also disputed the percentage occupancy level of of residential institutions detailed in the officer’s report and presented his view that the development if granted would be in accordance with the Policy.  He also presented his interpretations of the requirements for a C2 Use and presented his view that the proposed development would not adversely impact the streetscene.


Mr Shaw responded to comments made regarding the lack of noise disturbance by highlighting the proposed introduction of a party wall with a neighbouring property.  He also clarified the officer’s interpretation of Policy BH24.


The Committee considered the application and acknowledged the concerns regarding the need for care homes.  However, it also noted the unsuitability of the proposed location and the adverse impact on the amenity of the residents of neighbouring properties.  It was also satisfied that the proposed development was contrary to Policy BH24 of the Local Plan. 


Resolved:  To refuse the application for the reasons outlined in the decision notice which can be accessed via the link below:




Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.


Supporting documents: