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Agenda item


The Committee will be requested to consider an application for planning permission,

details of which are set out in the accompanying report.


The Committee considered 19/0720 requesting permission for the erection of a four/ five and six storey block 34 self-contained apartments including refuse store, cycle store, landscaping and vehicular access from Norbreck Road with car parking for 30 vehicles to the rear. (Resubmission planning application 19/0382).


Miss Parker, Head of Development Management, provided the Committee with an overview of the application and presented aerial and street views of the site, the proposed site layout and location plans and visual images of the proposed development.  She reported on the potential for the development to bring back into use a derelict area of land and the significant amendments made by the applicant in response to officer’s concerns since initial submission of the application.  Ms Parker advised that the level of parking provision was below the maximum requirements for the scale of the development, however, in her view this was considered acceptable given its accessible location.  She also acknowledged that the housing mix fell short of the standard requirement as defined in Core Strategy Policy CS13, but considered that this was outweighed by the benefits of the proposed development.  Ms Parker referred Members to the information in the Update Note that detailed the agent’s agreement to pay contributions to public open space and off-site highway works.  The Update Note also stated that based on a viability assessment it had been accepted that contributions towards education or affordable housing could not be made if the scheme was to remain viable.  She also referred to the relatively recent requirement for financial contribution towards local healthcare and the expectation that this would also be financially unviable for the proposed development.  Ms Parker summarised by reporting on her view of the benefits of the proposed development in terms of its design, its lack of unacceptable detrimental impact on the amenity of the residents of nearby properties and the opportunity to bring a vacant site back into use.  On balance, in Ms Parker’s view, the benefits of the proposed development outweighed the requirement for financial contributions towards housing and education and recommended the application for approval, subject to the proposed conditions being attached to the permission if granted.


Responding to questions from the Committee, Ms Parker explained the viability assessment calculations made on behalf of the applicant had been verified by officers who were satisfied that they accurately assessed the viability of financial contributions.


Mr Carter, Applicant’s Agent, spoke in support of the application, and advised on the significant amendments made to the application by the applicant to ensure that it accorded with both local and national policies.  He also highlighted the applicant’s significant level of financial investment in the scheme and provided his view of the benefits of the proposed development for both the area and the town.


The Committee considered the application and commented positively on the design of the proposed development and the improvement it would bring to the area.  It also noted the benefit of the proposed development in terms of local employment during construction.


Resolved:  That the application be approved, subject to the conditions, and for the reasons outlined in the decision notice which can be accessed via the link below:




Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.


Supporting documents: