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Agenda item


(This item contains personal information regarding applicants and licence holders which is exempt from publication by virtue of Paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972)


The Sub-Committee considered two applicants for Scrap Metal Dealer Licences who have been convicted of relevant offences or who have otherwise given reasons for concern in respect of the following cases:


G.D (New)


Mr Ryan Ratcliffe, Licensing Officer was in attendance and outlined the relevant information. Mr Ratcliffe highlighted the serious concerns over G.D’s suitability given the fact he has been refused a licence by another authority (Oldham MBC) within the last six months following an objection from the Police.


G.D was in attendance accompanied by a friend and made representations to the Sub-Committee. He explained that he remained unclear as to why he had been refused a licence from Oldham MBC and that he now resided permanently in Blackpool.


The Sub-Committee considered the evidence and expressed concern as to the reason behind the refusal of a licence in Oldham including offences related to dishonesty and suspicion that he had operated as a Scrap Metal Dealer while his had lapsed. There had been no suitable explanation given either in Blackpool or Oldham.




That the application for a Scrap Metal Dealer in respect of G.D. be refused as he is not a fit and proper person to hold such a licence.


P.S (New Applicant)


Mr Ryan Ratcliffe, Licensing Officer was in attendance and outlined the relevant information. Mr Ratcliffe highlighted the serious concerns over P.S’s suitability given the fact he had been convicted of relevant offences under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.


P.S. was in attendance accompanied a family member and made representations. He explained that the offences had occurred when he first moved to this country due to confusion about the regulatory regime. He emphasised that he had no issues since then and that he required the licence to support his extended family.


The Sub-Committee considered the evidence and expressed concern as to P.S’s convictions for offences involving the illegal dumping of waste. It concluded that in the absence of suitable explanation or mitigation such convictions meant that P.S. was not a suitable person to hold such a licence.




That the application for a Scrap Metal Dealer in respect of P.S. be refused as he is not a fit and proper person to hold such a licence.

A.J.B. (New)


Mr Lee Petrak, Licensing and Health and Safety Manager, was in attendance and outlined the relevant information. Mr Petrak highlighted that while A.J.B. had been convicted of a number of offences that while not directly relevant to the licence showed a pattern of violence and disobedience of authority.


A.J.B. was in attendance and made representations to the Sub-Committee. He emphasised his regret at the incidents and that he fully intended to comply with the requirements for such a licence.


The Sub-Committee considered carefully the evidence submitted by both parties. The Sub-Committee expressed concern but balanced the concern with A.J.B’s evidence and genuine remorse. It therefore agreed to grant the licence with a warning as to future conduct.




That the Scrap Metal Dealer’s licence be granted in respect of A.J.B. subject to the issuing of serious warning letter outlining that in the event of further offences the licence may be suspended or revoked.  

Supporting documents: