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Agenda item


The report provides an update on the current status and developments in Adult Services.


The Committee considered the Adult Services Update Report presented by Ms Karen Smith, Director of Adult Services and noted that the Care at Home procurement process had been completed and the successful tender would be announced following the 10 day period allowed under procurement rules for the decision to be challenged. Members also noted the continued outstanding performance of the service in dealing with the high volume of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS).


Ms Smith referenced the Winter Plan 2018/2019 and reported that she concerned the concerns raised by the Committee in relation to the robustness of the Plan in previous years. She added that the recent programmes put in place were more demonstrable than in previous years and that services were in a better position to respond to challenges.


The Committee highlighted the work of the Resilient Communities and Children’s Scrutiny Committee in relation to the development of a dashboard to allow Members to easily process data. It was agreed that a similar workshop be held with Adult Services in order to develop a dashboard of key facts and figures. The dashboard would allow for Members to have more input into the content of reports presented to future meetings.


The performance in relation to Carers Direct Payments was discussed. It was reported that such payments were designed to help a carer alleviate a particular difficultly they were having that directly related to their caring responsibilities. An example was given of a washing machine breaking which was needed to wash bedsheets. Rather than administering the scheme directly, the funding scheme was operated the Carers Centre. The Council could therefore not include the payments made by the Carers Centre in the performance data as it was not making the payments directly. Ms Smith advised that despite that fact, it was considered that the Carers Centre was the right avenue for offering the funding.


Members went on to consider the delayed transfers of care attributed to both the NHS and Adult Social Services and noted that they were generally the most complex cases. It was noted that delays due to the NHS and Adult Social Care separately were similar in number to other authorities, however, those caused by both organisations together were above average. Ms Smith highlighted that the reasons for the difference were being investigated but were not yet known. She added that the delays caused by Adult Social Care had been improved and there was now more control in the system.


The Committee considered the reasons around potential delays further and queried the strength of the links between the hospital and Adult Social Care. In response, Ms Smith advised that there remained difficulties in accessing information relating to discharges and the sharing of clinical information. She advised that the working relationship with the staff in the hospital was of key importance and assured the Committee that it was an area of focus for services. She added that services were being open and honest with each other in order to effect change and challenge was ongoing through the Accident and Emergency Delivery Board. It was agreed that further work would be carried out to identify the reasons behind the delays and a follow up report would be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.


In response to a question, Ms Smith advised that the performance with regards to average domiciliary care hours in comparison to other authorities was not an area of concern. The reasons behind the performance had been investigated and it had been determined that the number of hours was not having any adverse effect. Councillor Cross, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Adult Services and Health added that it remained policy to not commission short 15 minute visits. It was also noted that the service had a good relationship with providers who did advise if more or fewer hours for visits were required.


The Committee agreed to receive a report at its next meeting highlighting the reasons for delayed discharges.

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