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Agenda item


The Committee will be requested to consider an application for planning permission,

details of which are set out in the accompanying report.


(Prior to the consideration of the planning applications the Chairman advised the Committee of a change to the order in which the applications would be considered.)


(Councillor D Coleman, having declared a prejudicial interest, left the room and took no part in the consideration or voting upon the application.)


The Committee considered planning application 18/0331 seeking planning permission for the erection of decking and external play area to first floor level enclosed by a 3 metre high fencing with staircase enclosure at St Kentigern’s Catholic Primary School, Newton Drive.


Mr Johnston, Head of Development Management, provided the Committee with an overview of the application and presented an aerial view of the site, site location, layout and elevational plans.  He reminded the Committee that it had agreed to defer the application from the previous meeting to allow the opportunity for further discussions to take place between the applicant and objectors. Members were referred to the Update Note that included an additional letter of representation from a public objector.  Mr Johnston also referred to the additional information received from the applicant and appended to the report, namely a statement from the headteacher, a noise assessment that concluded that the noise level would not be detrimental to the amenity of the surrounding residents and a justification statement that included detailed explanations as to why three alternative locations for the play deck had been discounted.


Mr Johnston went on to report on the outcome of a mediation meeting that had taken place on 15 October 2018.  A further condition requiring the approval of a Construction Management Plan had been agreed by the applicant.  An amendment to Condition 4 relating to the acoustic barrier had also been suggested to add the requirement to replace any dead or diseased trees/shrubs within the first five years of planting. A potential opportunity to condition a reduction in height of the perimeter fencing was also suggested.  Mr Johnston concluded by referring to the balance between the benefits for schoolchildren and protecting the amenity of neighbours.  In his view, the harm to the amenities would be mitigated by the hours of use, the materials used for the fencing and the green acoustic barrier. 


Mr Holmes, public objector, spoke against the application.  His main objections related to the unsuitability of the development and its visual impact and increased noise levels.   He also considered that there had been insufficient exploration of alternative options and questioned the comparative data for other schools and the social benefit that had formed a key part of the officer’s recommendation to grant permission.


Mr Oram, the Applicant’s Agent, spoke in support of the application.  He referred to the consultant’s noise assessment report that concluded that the noise level would not be excessive and presented his view that there would be no impact on loss of privacy or loss of light from the proposed development and minimal impact in terms of visibility.  Mrs Wygladala, headteacher, reported on the benefits of the scheme in terms of improving the physical and emotional wellbeing of the schoolchildren.  She referred to the tight funding timescales that had restricted the ability for consultation.


The Committee considered the application and raised a number of questions regarding potential alternative options for the location of the play deck and the quality of materials.  Mr Johnston reported on the reasons for his view that the current proposed location was the only viable option and the acceptability of the proposed materials.


The Committee considered the concerns raised by the objectors but also recognised the benefits of the proposal for the schoolchildren.  It also noted the additional and amended conditions that could be attached to the planning permission if granted which would mitigate the impact on the amenity of the residents of neighbouring properties.


Resolved:  That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and for the reasons set out in the appendix to the minutes.  The conditions to also include:


1.      An additional condition requiring the approval of a Construction Management Plan      prior to commencement of the development.


2.      An amendment to Condition 4 requiring the replacement of dead or diseased trees/shrubs within five years of planting.


3.      The requirement of an agreement between the applicant and the planning officers as to the height, type and colour of the fencing around the perimeter of the play deck before the development is brought into use and the agreed fencing being retained thereafter.


Background papers:  Applications, plans and replies to consultations on the application.


Supporting documents: