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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room A, Town Hall, Blackpool

Contact: Chris Kelly  Acting Srutiny Manager

No. Item



Members are asked to declare any interests in the items under consideration and in doing so state:


(1) the type of interest concerned; and


(2) the nature of the interest concerned


If any member requires advice on declarations of interests, they are advised to contact the Head of Democratic Governance in advance of the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest on this occasion.




To agree the minutes of the last meeting held on 27 April 2017 as a true and correct record.


The Committee agreed that the minutes of the last meeting of the Resilient Communities Scrutiny Committee held on 27 April 2017 be signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record.




To consider any applications from members of the public to speak at the meeting.


The Committee noted that there were no applications from members of the public to speak at the meeting.




To consider the Executive and Cabinet Member decisions within the remit of the Resilient Communities and Children’s Scrutiny Committee.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the Executive and Cabinet Member decisions within its remit, taken since the last meeting of the Committee.


Councillor Benson, Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning responded to questions from the Committee in connection with decision number PH35/2017 ‘Development Scheme at Woodlands School’. Asked if it was intended for a sprinkler system to be installed, she explained her understanding that current regulations stipulated that such an installation was necessary and would be carried out. She agreed to confirm the details and respond back in due course.


The Committee expressed concern that the cost of the development had risen substantially, pointing out an increase from the original estimate of £1.5m to the current figure of £2.1m. Councillor Benson responded by explaining that the previous estimated budget had proved to be insufficient in order to achieve what was required for a school of this type, which educated children with a range of complex and challenging needs. The building was in a poor state and a recent survey had highlighted the requirement for additional works including electrics, gas mains, pipes and other infrastructure. In addition, a new road was being constructed into and out of the building that would enable easier and improved access. Councillor Benson added that a full consultation had been carried out and the outcomes were fully supported by the respondents and stakeholders. Following a request from a Committee Member whose Ward encompassed Woodlands School, Councillor Benson agreed that she would distribute the results of the consultation to the Committee.


The Committee expressed its support for the scheme, but at the same time challenged why the initial survey had proved inadequate, leading to the requirement for additional works and a substantial increase in costs. Councillor Benson explained that initially the improvement works were not as ambitious, although it became apparent as things developed that the children needed more in order for the full potential of the school to be realised. In the past, the school had been added to in a piecemeal fashion and the current scheme would make it fully fit for purpose well into the future. The development would include extensive works to corridors and other spaces in order to meet the complex needs of the children.


The Committee agreed to note the Executive and Cabinet Member decisions.





To inform the Committee of the work undertaken by Children’s Services on a day to day basis and to update on the progress and implementation of developments within the areas.


The Committee considered a report which highlighted key areas of work and progress within the Children’s Services Directorate. The report was presented by Ms Booth, Director of Children’s Services, who began by providing a summary of the main content of the report. She explained that currently, the service was experiencing high levels of demand across all of its areas. This was described as a cause for concern on a number of counts, including the additional levels of scrutiny that such demand attracted from Ofsted and the Department of Education, as well as concerns around children currently placed in care, some of whom it was considered need not be there. In terms of overall numbers of looked after children, the number stood at 571 at its peak earlier this year, but had now reduced to the current figure of 546. Ms Booth explained some of the detail around the current Improvement Programme that was underway, including the need for decisions to be made timely, the discharging of children from care and the stepping down of children from care. Considerable efforts were also underway to return children currently placed in care outside of Blackpool, to more appropriate arrangements within the town.


Ms Booth responded to a number of questions from the Committee. Asked to explain more about the Review of High Needs Provision that would be undertaken, she explained that children within the category had a number of different needs and requirements. The review would be carried out independently and would consider questions around the possibility of offering services in a different way.


In relation to the high levels of demand across Children’s Social Care, the Committee questioned the apparent reasons given to scrutiny in the past for the levels being as high as they were, quoting ‘children with complex needs’ as the usual answer that had been given. The Committee suggested that the organisational support should be adequate to deal with the situation and questioned whether the current approach adopted within the Directorate was correct. Ms Booth responded that the end to end review that was currently underway would be completed by the end of the first week in July. Following that, a plan for operational change would be developed that would be considered by the Priority 2 Board. It would then be made available for scrutiny by the Resilient Communities and Children’s Scrutiny Committee. She stressed the importance of the scrutiny process and welcomed the input that the Committee could provide.


The Committee asked for details as to the areas within Blackpool where the greatest numbers of looked after children originated from. Ms Booth explained that a piece of work had been commissioned to determine that. A ‘heat map’ would be produced that would also indicate:


1)                  The numbers of children in need

2)                  The numbers of children subject to Child Protection Plans

3)                  The numbers of children being looked after

4)                  The numbers of children subject to youth offending reports

5)                  The numbers of children subject to family support  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.



To present performance against the Council Plan 2015-2020 for the period 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2017.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report which detailed performance against the Council Plan 2015-2020 for the period 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2017.


The report was presented by Ms Watson, Delivery Development Officer, who explained that there were 13 indicators within the performance basket for Resilient Communities and 8 indicators within the performance basket for Children’s Scrutiny. She pointed out that information on the indicators where performance was below target or where performance had deteriorated compared with 2015/2016, could be found in Appendix 6(b) of the report.


Ms Watson went on to explain that the Corporate Delivery Unit was working on a revised set of indicators that would better reflect the Council’s priorities. It was proposed that the new basket of indicators be reported to the Committee for the 2017/2018 reporting year.


It was further explained that to allow Members to receive more timely and appropriate performance information, it was proposed that performance reports in 2017/2018 be aligned to the future workplan for the Committee, with a full break down of indicator performance reported as an overview report at year end. It was hoped that this would equip Members with more relevant performance information reported at the same time and topic as future scrutiny reports. The reports would be focussed and more in-depth than the current reporting arrangements and would give Members more insight and narrative to current performance issues. Furthermore, the Corporate Delivery Unit would work closely with the Democratic Governance Team and relevant departments to ensure that the reports be as insightful as possible.


Ms Watson, Ms Booth and Councillor Cain then responded to a number of questions from the Committee on the content of the report.


The Committee asked about the below target figures for the death to service time for cremations and whether family preferences were taken into account. Councillor Cain explained that family requests and funeral directors’ requests were taken into account. Also, the times offered for services might not always be convenient. It was pointed out that the factors could skew the figures. Councillor Cain stressed that the service was trying to be as flexible as possible to accommodate family needs and preferences.


Regarding the performance indicators that were included in the report, in response to questions from the Committee, Ms Watson explained that some of the indicators were as a result of statutory requirements and some were not.


Members asked that in future, if it would be possible to include an indicator that related to children discharged from care, who were subsequently re-admitted after a certain period of time. Ms Booth explained that a major part of the current improvement plan was to develop a performance plan that was fit for purpose. Some measures would be included as a result of statutory requirements and some for comparison purposes with other local authorities. It was envisaged that the performance plan would include, in relation to children:


1)                  How many came into care

2)                  How many are discharged from care

3)                  How long they remained  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.



The Committee to consider the Workplan, together with any suggestions that Members may wish to make for scrutiny review.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered its Workplan for the remainder of the current Municipal Year and the Chairman invited suggestions from Committee Members as to possible Workplan items. She also suggested that it be requested that the Blackpool Safeguarding Children’s Board Business Plan be sent out to all members of the Committee.


The Committee agreed:


1)                  To note the Workplan

2)                  To request that the Blackpool Safeguarding Children’s Board Business Plan be sent out to all members of the Committee.


Background papers: None.




To note the date and time of the next meeting of the Committee as Thursday 7 September 2017, commencing at 6pm.


The Committee agreed to note the date of the next meeting as Thursday 7 September 2017, at 6.00pm.