Venue: Committee Room A, Town Hall, Blackpool
Contact: Lennox Beattie Executive and Regulatory Manager
Note | No. | Item |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests in the items under consideration and in doing so state:
(1) the type of interest concerned either a
(a) personal interest (b) prejudicial interest (c) disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI)
(2) the nature of the interest concerned
If any member requires advice on declarations of interests, they are advised to contact the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting. |
To report the level of spending and exposure against the Council’s Revenue budgets and reserves and balances for the first 7 months to 31 August 2024. The report also includes an update on the Medium Term Financial Plan 2024/25 – 2026/27
Additional documents:
Decision: The Executive agreed the recommendation as outlined above namely:
COUNCIL TAX REDUCTION SCHEME 2025/2026 To provide an update on the impact of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme since the introduction in 2013/14 and to recommend to Council approval for the proposals for the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) for 2025/26.
Additional documents:
Decision: The Executive resolved as follows:
INNER BLACKPOOL HOUSING INTERVENTION To seek approval of the Central Housing Regeneration Area Framework document and update progress in respect to Housing Regeneration activity (following Executive Decision in May (EX16/2024). The Framework document provides an overview of the rationale for the central area being the initial focus of housing regeneration activity and outlines the overarching ambition for transformational change across the area over a 15+ year period.
Additional documents:
Decision: The Executive agreed the recommendation as outlined above namely:
To agree the Central Housing Regeneration Framework as an approved Council document. The document will form an overarching framework to help guide transformational change in the Central Housing Regeneration Area.
BLACKPOOL CENTRAL : NEXT STEPS In the light of Nikal, the intended developer of Blackpool Central leisure development going into administration, to seek approval to terminate the Sale Agreement (as defined in clause 3.2) between the parties.
To set out the next steps to continue the delivery of this strategic development with the appointment of commercial leisure marketing agents to commence the remarketing of the site and continue to deliver the aspirations for Blackpool Central. Additional documents: Decision: The Executive agreed the recommendations as outlined above namely:
1. To approve the termination of the Sale Agreement with Nikal Ltd.
2. To delegate authority to the Head of Legal Services to issue notices to Nikal to terminate the Sale Agreement in accordance with clause 12 of the Sale Agreement.
3. To delegate authority to the Chief Executive to appoint appropriate professional commercial advisers to promote and market the site to future Investors and Developers.
REVISED GREENING BLACKPOOL SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT To provide an assessment of experiences since the implementation of the current Greening Blackpool Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and to obtain authority to consult on a revised Greening Blackpool Supplementary Planning Document. Subject to the outcome of any consultation, to seek to adopt the revised Greening Blackpool Supplementary Planning Document.
Additional documents:
Decision: The Executive agreed the recommendations as outlined above namely:
1. To approve the consultation on the Revised Greening Blackpool SPD attached Appendix 6a, to the Executive report.
2. To delegate the decision to the Director of Communications and Regeneration in consultation with the Leader of the Council to adopt the revised Supplementary Planning Document subject to incorporation of any required further amendments that may be required as a result of the consultation.
3. To seek approval to use a pro-forma unilateral undertaking where the level of financial contributions required in respect of off-site tree planting is less than £3,000and to agree that any decision to amend this limit or expand the scope of the unilateral undertaking to take into account other heads of financial contributions be delegated to the Director of Communications and Regeneration after consultation with the Head of Legal.
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BUSINESS LOANS FUND - RYSCAR WAY This report and Appendices are currently exempt from publication by virtue of Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. It is considered on balance that the public interest would not be served by publishing information at this stage as this information would undermine the Council’s position in future negotiations and could risk the application not being able to continue.
Additional documents: