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Agenda and decisions

Venue: Committee Room A, Town Hall, Blackpool

Contact: Lennox Beattie  Executive and Regulatory Manager

No. Item



Members are asked to declare any interests in the items under consideration and in doing so state:


(1) the type of interest concerned; and


(2) the nature of the interest concerned


If any member requires advice on declarations of interests, they are advised to contact the Head of Democratic Governance in advance of the meeting.


Councillor Campbell declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in decision number 2, in relation to the proposed consultation on a reduction of £200,000 from Housing Related Support, as an employee of Bay Housing Association.  Councillor Campbell left the meeting for this part of the decision and took no part in the voting or discussion.


Councillors Cain and Smith declared a prejudicial interest in decision Number 2, in relation to the proposed consultation on additional income of £100,000 from Blackpool Operating Company Ltd as Council appointed Directors of Blackpool Operating Company Ltd.  Councillors Cain and Smith left the meeting for this part of the decision and took no part in the voting or discussion.




Additional documents:


The Executive resolved as follows:


To agree the recommendations of the Licensed Horse Drawn Hackney Carriages Scrutiny final report action plan as outlined below and work towards their implementation:


  1. A full health and safety risk assessment be undertaken considering Licensed Horse Drawn Hackney Carriage operations on the Promenade, which would specifically include the considerations of operations on a Friday evening.


  1. The Head of Licensing Services to investigate that the insurance cover required of Licensed Horse Drawn Hackney Carriage Operators is suitable and fit for purpose and if it is found to not be fit for purpose the matter to be brought to the attention of the Tourism, Economy and Resources Scrutiny Committee for its consideration.


  1. The Head of Licensing Services to investigate establishing a more stringent and rigorous driving test for horse drawn carriage operators. The new test should include:

a)      A theory test element

b)      Part of the test to be conducted off the public highway to examine drivers’ control of the carriage and ability to perform manoeuvres, as well as testing on animal husbandry and attaching the dung catching device.

c)      An increased amount of test time on the promenade

d)      Following completion of the above elements of the new test, the Horse Drawn Carriage Operator should be given a ‘provisional licence’. A full licence would then only be given following the completion of an appropriate number of supervised hours with an experienced Licensed Horse Drawn Hackney Carriage Operator. It was suggested that 100 hours may be considered appropriate.


  1. A comprehensive review of the Licensed Horse Drawn Hackney Carriage Policy and Fare structure be undertaken by the Head of Licensing Service.

a)      This review to be undertaken in conjunction with the Highways and Traffic Management Services and representatives of Licensed Horse Drawn Hackney Carriage Operators, in order to consider where it would be appropriate to prohibit U-turns on the promenade.


  1. The Head of Licensing Services to investigate the cost and feasibility of ring-fencing part of the licence fee for clean-up operations, with a view to allocating appropriate resources to reduce horse waste on the promenade in busy periods.


  1. The Head of Licensing Services to investigate the possibility of having different, separate stands for horse drawn carriages and motorised licensed hackney carriage vehicles and dedicated change over areas away from the promenade.


  1. A dedicated Forum for Licensing Services and Licensed Horse Drawn Hackney Carriage Operators be established to meet three times per year. It was suggested those times be at the start, once during and after the main tourist season and that Licensing Services would administer that Forum.




Additional documents:



The Executive resolved as follows:


  1. That in the absence of the Leader and Deputy Leader, Councillor Jackson be appointed Chairman for the part of the meeting related to savings from Housing Related Support and additional income from Blackpool Operating Company Ltd.


  1. To recommend to the Council approval of the savings of £200,000 from Housing Relating Support and additional income of £100,000 from Blackpool Operating Company Ltd as part of the second tranche of budget saving proposals and to note that formal consultation on these proposals will take place over the next 3 months (reference paragraph 7.2 and Appendix 2b of the report).


(Councillor Campbell having declared a disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to the savings from Housing Related Support left the meeting for the Decisions 1 and 2, and returned to the meeting and the Chair for Decisions 3 to 10.)


(Councillors Cain and Smith having prejudicial interests in relation to the additional income from Blackpool Operating Company Ltd left the meeting for Decisions 1 and 2.)


3.      To recommend to the Council the level of net expenditure for the draft General Fund Revenue Budget 2016/17 of £122,999,000 (reference paragraph 6.2 of the report).


4.      To recommend to the Council a level of budget savings of £25.1m (reference paragraph 7.1 and 7.2 and Appendices 2, 2a and 2b of the report).


5.      To recommend to the Council approval of the savings listed in the second tranche of budget saving proposals that total £4.8m (excluding the £200,000 for Housing Related Support already approved at decision 2 and the £100,000 additional income from Blackpool Operating Company Ltd) and to note that formal consultation will take place over the next 3 months (reference paragraph 7.2 and Appendix 2b of the report).


6.      To recommend to the Council that the Chief Executive be authorised to take any necessary steps to ensure all staffing savings are achieved (reference paragraph 8.1 of the report).


7.      To recommend to the Council that the Business Loans Fund is increased from £8m to £10m (reference paragraph 8.3 of the report).


8.      To recommend to the Council that the target level of working balances remains at £6m (reference paragraph 10.4 of the report).


9.      To note that the Tourism, Economy and Resources Scrutiny Committee will be formally consulting the Trade Unions and Business Ratepayers on the proposals on the morning of 12th February 2016.


  1. To consider any further facts and information which subsequently come to light and report the details to the meeting of the Executive on 22nd February 2016.



CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2016/17 TO 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 292 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive resolved to recommend to Council:


  1. To approve of the Capital Programme for 2016/17 as set out at Appendices A and B to the report, including the in year contingency of £809,000.


  1. To adopt the Single Capital Pot approach as outlined in Section 4 with a top slice of 12.5% to allow for investment in key priority areas and overspends that are not otherwise fundable (reference paragraph 4.2 of the report).


  1. To agree that Executive approvals will continue to be required for all Prudential borrowing schemes (reference paragraph 3.1 of the report)


  1. To approve the Capital Prudential Indicators as identified in Appendix C to the report.



PROPOSED RENT REVIEW 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 293 KB

Additional documents:


The Executive resolved to recommend to Council:


  1. A rent reduction of 1% is implemented for all Housing Revenue Account properties in 2016/2017.


  1. The level of Housing Revenue Account balances remain protected at £1 million, as previously agreed.


  1. That de-pooled services (as detailed in Appendix C to the report) and that other service charges (as detailed in Appendix D and E to the report) are charged as outlined.


  1. That the Leaseholder Management Charge is amended in line with the cost of managing the service.




Additional documents:


The Executive resolved to recommend Council:


1.      To adopt all the Elements of the Treasury Management Strategy 2016/17 and to approve the Prudential Indicators and Limits for 2016/17 to 2018/19 as set out in Annex B to the report.


2.      To approve the Prudential Indicators and Limits for 2016/17 to 2018/19 as set out in Annex C to the report.


3.      To approve the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement for 2015/16 and 2016/17  which contains significant changes from the previous year but, which will ensure a more prudent Minimum Revenue Provision charge in the annual statement of accounts, as set out within Annex D to the report.


4.      To approve the Municipal Bond Agency as a source of new borrowing for the Council (as set out in Annex B, paragraph 4.5 of the report).




Additional documents:


The Executive agreed the recommendations as outlined above namely:


  1. To note the report.


  1. To require the respective Directors and Director of Resources to continue to closely monitor and manage financial and operational performances, specifically Children’s Services, Strategic Leisure Assets, and Public Health.