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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Blackpool FY1 1GB

Contact: Yvonne Burnett  Democratic Governance Senior Advisor

No. Item



Members are asked to declare any interests in the items under consideration and in doing so state:


(1) the type of interest concerned either a


(a)   personal interest

(b)   prejudicial interest

(c)    disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI)




(2) the nature of the interest concerned


If any member requires advice on declarations of interests, they are advised to contact the Head of Democratic Governance in advance of the meeting.


Councillor Clapham declared a personal interest in agenda item 4c, Report from the Deputy Leader of the Council (Children) in relation to the Blackpool Area Opportunity Programme, as Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors for Blackpool Sixth Form College.



To agree the minutes of the last meeting held on 22 May 2019 as a true and correct record.


Resolved:  That the minutes of the Council meeting held on 22 May 2019, be signed by the Mayor as a correct record.




To receive official announcements from the Mayor.


The Mayor congratulated Ella Penswick, from the Resources Directorate, who had won the ‘Apprentice of the Year’ award at the recent Blackpool and the Fylde College awards. 


The Mayor thanked those members who had attended the flag raising ceremony that had marked the start of the Armed Forces week and to Councillor Derek Robertson who had led the ceremony.



To consider the attached reports to Council from the Leader of the Council, the Deputy Leader of the Council (Tourism and Place) and the Deputy Leader of the Council (Children).


Members are reminded that:


·         Each Senior Executive Member has up to three minutes to present their report, after which there will be a period of no longer than 25 minutes per report for questions/comments (a green card will give a one minute warning, red for the end of the debate).


·         There will be three minutes per question/ comment from any Councillor on anything within the portfolio and no limit to the number of times a Councillor can ask a question.


·         There will be a period of up to 25 Minutes for a response from the Senior Executive Member (or relevant Cabinet Member) at the end of the questions/ comments for each report.

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council and the Deputy Leader of the Council (Place and Tourism) presented reports to the Council on work undertaken in their own portfolio area and those portfolios under their responsibility.  The Leader of the Council also presented the report on behalf of the Deputy Leader of the Council (Children).  The reports covered corporate, strategic and policy issues, together with work being undertaken in transforming services and with partners.  


Questions, comments and debate were invited from all councillors on each of the report areas.




(1)         In response to a request from Councillor T Williams, the Leader of the Council agreed to provide a directory of businesses that operated with the Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone.


(2)         The Deputy Leader (Place and Tourism) confirmed that written responses would be provided to:

·         Councillor Walsh to clarify the cost of the ten trees that had been planted on Cookson Street 

·         Councillor T Williams on the reason why five trees had been cut down in the town centre and whether that was due to disease or to make way for developments

·         Councillor Mrs Callow on details of the collection rate for the Fixed Penalty Notices issued for littering, graffiti and flyposting and confirmation of the methods used to ensure collection.



To consider the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel in relation to a full review of the Members Allowances scheme, undertaken following an all-out local election.


Additional documents:


The Council considered the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel, that had undertaken a full four-yearly review of the Members’ Allowances Scheme, following the recent local elections. 


Motion:  Councillor Blackburn proposed (and Councillor Campbell seconded):


‘1.     That the new Members Allowances Scheme be implemented from the date of the Annual Council Meeting on 22 May 2019, subject to the provision of the payment of the Basic Allowance from the fourth day after the elections.


2.           That the basic allowance for members should be set at £10,200 per annum and backdated to the fourth day after the local election (Monday 6 May 2019).


3.           That the special responsibility allowances for members should be as set out as recommended in the table following paragraph 4.6 of the Independent Remuneration Panel Report and commence from the current date of appointment for the councillor concerned (except for the positions of Civic Mayor and Deputy Mayor).


4.           That the special responsibility allowances for the Civic Mayor and Deputy Mayor should remain at their current level for the rest of this Municipal year, but be as set out in the table following paragraph 4.6 of the Independent Remuneration Panel Report from the date of the annual meeting in 2020.


5.           That the criterion for the payment of two SRAs be added to the Members’ Allowances Scheme as set out in section 17 of the Independent Remuneration Panel Report and that the position of Deputy Mayor also be paid (if applicable) as an allowed second allowance.


6.           That the ‘other’ allowances as set out within the scheme should be set as recommended at paragraph 18 of the Independent Remuneration Panel Report.


7.           That the Parental Leave of Absence Policy at Appendix 1 to the Report be agreed and added to the published Members’ Allowances Scheme.


8.           That in relation to mileage allowances, the rate for members should continue to be the same as staff rates and uprated at the same time when staff rates are amended (annual uprating in line with NJC pay award therefore will not apply).


9.           That for clarification purposes the list of approved duties be amended as set out in paragraph 18.3 of the Independent Remuneration Panel Report.


10.        That the annual uprating to be applied to the Members’ Allowances Scheme continue to be in accordance with the National Joint Council for Local Government Service pay award.


11.        That in relation to the seven wholly owned Council companies, the non-executive Chairs receive an allowance of £5,000 per annum and the other non-executive directors on each company receive £2,500 per annum and the  allowances/remuneration be reviewed in May 2021.


12.        That the payments for the Chairs and non executive directors for the Transport and Airport companies be paid via the Members’ Allowances Scheme, with the payments to the other companies paid by the companies themselves.


13.        That the Director of Governance and Partnerships be authorised to update the Members’ Allowances Scheme accordingly’.


Motion carried:  The motion was submitted to the Council and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.



To consider the appointment of a Vice Chairman to the Appeals Committee and the extension of the term of office of the three statutory Independent Persons for Standards.



Members were asked to consider an alternative appointment to the position of Vice-Chair of the Appeals Committee to allow Councillor Hugo to focus on her appointment as Vice-Chair of the Audit Committee. 


Members were asked to consider the continued appointment of Mr A Mozley, Mr B Horrocks and Mrs H Broughton as statutory independent persons for standards matters pursuant to Section 28 (7) of the Localism Act 2011, pending the Government’s response to the report from the Committee on Standards in Public Life on review of the standards framework.


Motion:  Councillor Blackburn proposed (and Councillor Campbell seconded):


‘1.     That Councillor Allan Matthews be appointed Vice Chair of the Appeals Committee to replace Councillor Jane Hugo.


2.      That Mr Mozley, Mrs Broughton and Mr Horrocks, the three statutory Independent Persons pursuant to Section 28 (7) of the Localism Act 2011, be appointed for a further 12 months from 30 September 2019 to 30 September 2020’.


Motion carried:  The motion was submitted to the Council and carried.



To consider the Notice of Motions, which have been submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 12.1.


The Council noted that Councillor T Williams had withdrawn the motion.




Motion:   Having submitted notice, Councillor Mitchell proposed (and Councillor Hobson seconded):


‘The Council notes that over a million older people in England are struggling with unmet care needs and believes that in light of an ageing population bold changes are needed to deliver a long term funding solution for social care.

The Council believes that it is fundamentally unfair that to access basic care many older people face catastrophic costs that can run into hundreds of thousands of pounds, wipe out a lifetime of savings and force families to sell their homes.

The Council also believes that England’s care system needs major reform to provide a long-term sustainable funding solution and to make care free at the point of use.

The Council therefore calls for the introduction of free personal care for all older people in England, alongside a new social care contribution to fund fully the policy on a sustainable basis.

The Council calls on the Government to take the necessary steps to implement such a policy as swiftly as possible to end the care crisis and properly support older people in Blackpool.  The Chief Executive is instructed to write to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care accordingly’.  


Members went on to debate the motion.


Motion carried:  The motion was submitted to the Council and carried.




Motion:   Having submitted notice, Councillor G Coleman proposed (and Councillor D Coleman seconded):


‘At present there is no Council policy relating to what actions should be taken by the Monitoring Officer in respect of a councillor who is the subject of an initial assessment/ investigation into a breach of the Members Code of Conduct when the councillor is ill or has a medical note signed by a doctor.


Currently a councillor may find themselves in a position where they are unable to continue to defend themselves or continue with the process as a result of ill health.  This can result in the councillor having to make a life changing decision when they are not in a fit and proper state to do so.


The Council feels that this is not a satisfactory practice and calls on the Standards Committee/ Monitoring Officer to introduce a policy that provides adequate assurance that an unwell councillor is not discriminated against when they are subject to an initial assessment/ investigation’.


Members went on to debate the motion.


Prior to voting, five members of the Council requested that the vote on the motion should be recorded.  The voting was as follows:


For the motion:  Councillors Baker, Mrs Callow, Clapham, D Coleman, G Coleman, Cox, Galley, Roberts, Robertson, D Scott, R Scott, Stansfield, Walsh, T Williams, Wilshaw, Wing - total 16.


Against the motion:  Councillors Blackburn, Brookes, Burdess, Campbell, Collett, Critchley, Cross, Hobson, Hugo, Hunter, Hutton, Jackson, Kirkland, Matthews, Mitchell, O’Hara, Owen, Smith, Taylor, L Williams – total 20.


Abstentions:  None


Motion carried:  The motion was therefore lost.




Motion:   Having submitted notice, Councillor Hunter proposed (and Councillor O’Hara seconded):


‘This Council calls on the Conservative led Government to stand by their 2017 Election manifesto promise and protect the free TV licences for the over 75s.  Scrapping the free TV licences for the over 75s will hit approximately 6,620 households across Blackpool.  This will leave many over 75s of modest means more than £150 worse off and will risk them being cut off from the outside world if they lose their access to the TV.  People living on their own, particularly those with severe mobility issues or housebound, will be the ones most penalised by the decision to scrap the free TV licence to the over 75s.  The Conservative led Government has drastically cut the funding for the BBC since 2010 and have disgracefully shifted the responsibility and costs of the licence concessions to the BBC.  This is in stark comparison to the last Labour Government who properly funded the BBC and ensured all TV licences for the over 75s were free.


This Council therefore instructs the Chief Executive Officer to write to the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport with the above concerns and asking the Government to take steps to protect the future of the free TV licences for the over 75s’.


Members went on to debate the motion.


Prior to voting, five members of the Council requested that the vote on the motion should be recorded.  The voting was as follows:


For the motion:  Councillors Blackburn, Brookes, Burdess, Campbell, D Coleman, G Coleman, Collett, Critchley, Cross, Hobson, Hugo, Hunter, Hutton, Jackson, Kirkland, Matthews, Mitchell, O’Hara, Owen, Smith, Taylor, L Williams – total 22.


Against the motion:  Councillors Baker, Mrs Callow, Clapham, Cox, Galley, Roberts, Robertson, D Scott, R Scott, Stansfield, Walsh, T Williams, Wilshaw, Wing - total 14.


Abstentions:  None


Motion carried:  The motion was therefore carried.




Motion:   Having submitted notice, Councillor Blackburn proposed (and Councillor Collett seconded):


‘The Council notes:


·       That that the impacts of climate breakdown are already causing serious damage around the world.

·       That the ‘Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C’, published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in October 2018, (a) describes the enormous harm that a 2°C average rise in global temperatures is likely to cause compared with a 1.5°C rise, and (b) confirms that limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society and the private sector.

·       That all governments (national, regional and local) have a duty to act, and local governments that recognise this should not wait for their national governments to change their policies; 

·       That strong policies to cut emissions also have associated health, wellbeing and economic benefits; and

·       That, recognising this, a growing number of UK local authorities have already passed 'Climate Emergency' motions.


The Council therefore commits to:


·       Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ that requires urgent action;

·       Make the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030;

·       Achieve 100% clean energy across the Council’s full range of functions by 2030;

·       Ensure that all strategic decisions, budgets and approaches to planning decisions are in line with a shift to zero carbon by 2030;

·       Support and work with all other relevant agencies towards making the entire area zero carbon within the same timescale;

·       Ensure that all Council led leadership teams embed this work in all areas and take responsibility for reducing, as rapidly as possible, the carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s activities, ensuring that any recommendations are fully costed and that the Executive and Scrutiny functions review council activities taking account of production and consumption emissions and produce an action plan within 12 months, together with budget actions and a measured baseline;

·       Request that Council Scrutiny Committees consider the impact of climate change and the environment when reviewing Council policies and strategies;

·       Work with, influence and inspire partners across Blackpool, Lancashire and the North West to help deliver this goal through all relevant strategies, plans and shared resources by developing a series of meetings, events and partner workshops;

·       Request that the Council and partners - not least the Council’s wholly owned companies, take steps to proactively include young people in the process, ensuring that they have a voice in shaping the future;

·       Request that the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Climate Change convene a Citizens’ Assembly before the end of the calendar year, in order to involve the wider population in this process.  This group would help develop its own role, identify how the Council’s activities might be made net-zero carbon by 2030, consider the latest climate science and expert advice on solutions and to consider systematically the climate change impact of each area of the Council’s activities;

·       Set up a Climate Change Partnership group, involving Councillors, residents, young citizens, climate science and solutions experts, businesses, Citizens Assembly representatives and other relevant parties.  Over the following four years,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.




Motion:   Having submitted notice, Councillor T Williams proposed (and Councillor Clapham seconded):


‘This Council requests that the Chief Executive write to the Director General of the BBC asking (him) to reverse the corporation's decision to remove the free TV licence offer to those over the age of 75.


The decision to take away this privilege will bring further hardship to those already living on limited funds and will also affect the health and wellbeing of those unable to afford to pay this fee by causing more social deprivation and isolation’.


Members went on to debate the motion.


Prior to voting, five members of the Council requested that the vote on the motion should be recorded.  The voting was as follows:


For the motion:  Councillors Baker, Mrs Callow, Clapham, D Coleman, G Coleman, Cox, Galley, Roberts, Robertson, D Scott, R Scott, Stansfield, Walsh, T Williams, Wilshaw, Wing - total 16.


Against the motion:  Councillors Blackburn, Brookes, Burdess, Campbell, Collett, Critchley, Cross, Hobson, Hugo, Hunter, Hutton, Jackson, Kirkland, Matthews, Mitchell, O’Hara, Owen, Smith, Taylor, L Williams – total 20.


Abstentions:  None


Motion carried:  The motion was therefore lost.