Venue: Committee Room A, Town Hall, Blackpool FY1 1GB
Contact: Jenni Cook Democratic Governance Senior Adviser
No. | Item |
APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR To appoint a Chair of the Planning Committee for the remainder of the 2024/25 municipal year. Minutes: Following the change of membership of the Committee the Committee considered the appointment of a Chair to the vacant position.
Resolved: That Councillor Dave Flanagan be appointed as Chair of the Planning Committee for the remainder of the 2024/25 municipal year.
Councillor Flanagan took the Chair for the remainder of the meeting. |
APPOINTMENT OF VICE CHAIR To consider appointing a Vice Chair of the Planning Committee for the remainder of the 2024/25 municipal year subject to the decision at Item 1. Minutes: Following the appointment of Councillor Flanagan as Chair of the Planning Committee, the Committee considered the appointment of a Vice Chair of the Planning Committee.
Resolved: That Councillor Laura Marshall be appointed as Vice Chair of the Planning Committee for the remainder of the 2024/25 municipal year. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked to declare any interests in the items under consideration and in doing so state:
(1) the type of interest concerned either
(a) personal interest (b) prejudicial interest (c) disclosable pecuniary interest (DPI)
(2) the nature of the interest concerned
If any member requires advice on declarations of interests, they are advised to contact the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 3 SEPTEMBER 2024 To agree the minutes of the last meeting held on 3 September 2024 as a true and correct record. Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 4 September 2024 be approved as a true and correct record. |
PLANNING ENFORCEMENT APPEALS LODGED AND DETERMINED The Committee is requested to note the planning enforcement appeals that have been lodged and determined since the last meeting. Minutes: The Committee considered an update on planning enforcement appeals lodged and determined since the last meeting.
The Committee noted that four appeals had been lodged and no appeals had been determined.
Resolved: To note the update. |
DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT - APPEALS LODGED AND DETERMINED The Committee is requested to note the planning appeals that have been lodged and determined since the last meeting. Minutes: The Committee considered an update on Development Management appeals lodged and determined since the last meeting.
One appeal had been lodged and three appeals had been determined. Of those appeals determined, all had been dismissed.
Resolved: To note the update. |
PLANNING ENFORCEMENT UPDATE AUGUST 2024 To Committee is requested to note the Planning Enforcement work carried out during August 2024. Minutes: The Committee considered a report on Planning Enforcement activity within Blackpool, between 1 August 2024 and 31 August 2024.
During August 2024 62 new cases had been registered for registration and as at 31 August 2024, 367 complaints were recorded as “live”, 13 cases had been resolved by negotiation without recourse to formal action and 18 cases had been closed. In addition, two Section 125 notices had been issued.
Resolved: To note the update. |
To consider planning application 24/0135 and listed building consent application 24/0136 as follows:
24/0135 (Full planning application): External works to the existing building (Use Class F1) including erection of a 2 storey side extension to Grundy Art Gallery on site of adjacent car park, and provision of new service area, access, landscaping and associated works, following removal of various railings and ramps, bus shelter, a storage container and lean-to.
24/0136 (Listed Building Consent application): Works to the existing building including erection of a two storey side extension to Grundy Art Gallery on site of adjacent car park, internal works to include reconfiguration of library and gallery including the removal of internal walls, external works to include removal of railings, ramps, lean to and storage container, installation of new window and replacement brick work, and provision of new access, landscaping and service area.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered planning application 24/0135 for external works to the existing building (Use Class F1) including erection of a 2 storey side extension to the Grundy Art Gallery on site of adjacent car park, and provision of new service area, access, landscaping and associated works, following removal of various railings and ramps, bus shelter, a storage container and lean-to. In addition to this the Committee considered listed building consent 24/1036, also for the Grundy Art Gallery and adjacent car park, Queen Street, Blackpool.
Ms Clare Johnson, Principal Planning Officer, provided the Committee with an outline of the planning history of the site and an overview of both applications and advised that the library and gallery was a Grade II listed building situated in the Town Centre Conservation Area. The additional space was required to store artwork and heritage collections which would increase gallery space and improve public access. The proposed single storey extensions would form a gallery and back-of-house space to the rear of the building and would not be visible as part of the street scene, nor would the single storey detached substation also proposed to be located at the rear of the site.
The Committee was advised that the proposed extension was a two-storey cube design which would front onto Queen Street, connecting the Grundy via a glazed two-storey link extension. The extension would be placed forward of the listed building with recessed and protruding brick courses and feature panels to provide visual interest and impact. In addition, blacklit opaque glazed panels would form a parapet to the roof and the extent and location of these panels could be agreed by condition.
In relation to the existing modern access ramps that fronted Queen Street, Ms Johnson advised that these would be removed and replaced, and that the railings along the Queen Street boundary would also be removed. Subject to agreement by condition, it was proposed that landscaping would be introduced on Queen Street, Abingdon Street and also to the boundary of the back street at the rear of the site. Ms Johnson noted that the design of the main extension was modern and that the materials could be agreed by condition to provide a significant contrast between the old and new buildings. The Committee was advised that when extending a historic building, this approach and level of contrast was commonly favoured over a pastiche approach.
In relation to access, it was proposed that new entrances between the library and gallery be provided as well as reconfiguration of the existing library space and more washroom facilities. These facilities would include a changing places room for disabled visitors and the Committee was advised that this facility was much needed within the Town Centre.
In relation to heritage impact, Ms Johnson advised that Historic England had raised concerns regarding the illumination of the glazed parapet and advised that the main extension would break the established building cause some harm to the listed building’s significance, it felt that the public ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
DATE OF NEXT MEETING To note the date of the next meeting as 12 November 2024. Minutes: Resolved: To note the date of the next meeting as 12 November 2024. |