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Licensing Decisions
Friday, 10th May, 2013

Oggies Bar - Consideration of Interim Steps following Summary Review Application

The Application

Oggies Bar, 31-33 Queen Street has the benefit of a premises licence authorising the sale of alcohol and provision of regulated entertainment.

On 10th May 2013 the licensing authority received an application for a summary review of the premsies licence under Section 53A Licensing Act 2003.

The licence holder is Oggies Bar Limited

The Applicant

The Summary review has been submitted by Lancashire Constabulary

Relevant Representations


Local Policy Considerations


National Guidance

Summary Review Guidance issued by the Home Office


Within 48 hours of receipt of a summary review application the licensing authority must consider whether it is necessary to take interim steps. This may be done without giving the premises licence holder an opportunity to make representations.

The interim steps available are
1. Modification of licence conditions
2. The exclusion of the sale of alcohol by retail
3. The removal of the designated premises supervisor
4. The suspension of the licence.

If interim steps are taken, the premises licence holder may make representations about the interim steps. If this happens a hearing must be held within 48 hours.

Background Papers

Licensing Panel Report and decision from 5th March 2013.


The panel are requested to determine whether any interim steps are necessary

Record of Hearing

In accordance with the Licensing Act 2003

Panel Members

Councillor Hardy in the Chair Councillors Jones and Wright

Declarations of Interests

There were no declarations of interest on this occasion.

Panel Advisers

Mrs S Davies, Principal Solicitor Licensing
Applicant/Applicant's Representative(s) in attendance


Other Parties

Time permitted to speak

Time Hearing Commenced

2:00 PM
Time Hearing Terminated

3:00 PM

The licensing authority have considered the information provided by Lancashire Constabulary in the review application when deciding which if any interim steps it is necessary to take. In reaching its decision, the authority has had regard to the previous conduct of the premises and the fact that the licence was revoked on 5th March 2013, but remains open pending determination of an appeal.

The licensing authority has considered all of the interim steps available including taking no action or modification of the licence. Based the evidence of serious disorder contained in the application, in addition to the historical matters, the authority has concluded that it is necessary to take the interim step of suspending the licence with effect from 14.30 on 10th May 2013 to prevent further serious disorder.

The premises licence holder is entitled to make representations to the local authority against the interim steps. If such representations are made, a hearing will be convened at short notice for those representations to be considered.

A full review hearing will take place within 28days.


To take the interim step of suspending the premises licence issued in respect of Oggies Bar