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Meeting documents

Licensing Decisions
Thursday, 9th May, 2013

Patrick Zbigniew Ruch

The Application

The panel are requested to consider an application for a personal licence. A copy of the application is attached.

The Applicant

The application has been submitted by Patrick Zbigniew Ruch

Relevant Representations

Representations have been received from Lancashire Constabulary.

Local Policy Considerations


National Guidance



When determining this application the panel can only take into consideration relevant offences which are not spent. In this case the relevant offences are driving with excess alcohol on 3rd July 2009 & 28th April 2010 and the offence of battery on 9th January 2013.

Background Papers



The panel are requested to determine whether it is appropriate for the promotion of the crime and disorder objective to grant this application.

Record of Hearing

In accordance with the Licensing Act 2003

Panel Members

Councillor Hardy, in the Chair Councillors Cross and M Michell

Declarations of Interests

There were no declarations of interest on this occasion.

Panel Advisers

Mrs Davies, Principal Solicitor Licensing
Mrs B Jarvis, Clerk to the meeting - Democratic Services
Applicant/Applicant's Representative(s) in attendance

Mr P Z Ruch, Applicant

Sergeant R Hurt, Lancashire Constabulary
Other Parties

Time permitted to speak

Having considered the written representation it was a agreed to allow a period of fifteen minutes for both parties.
Time Hearing Commenced

11:30 AM
Time Hearing Terminated

12:18 PM

The Panel considered the application and the representations made by both parties at the hearing.

The Panel carefully considered the relevant convictions as outlined on the Basic Disclosure and disregarded all convictions that were not relevant to the promotion of the licensing objectives. It noted that the applicant had submitted an appeal in relation to the latest conviction and that the appeal had not yet been determined.

The Panel concluded that insufficient time had elapsed since the relevant convictions for it to be satisfied that the granting of a personal licence would be necessary and appropriate for the promotion of the licensing objective of crime and disorder.

That the application for a personal licence be refused and that the applicant be invited to submit a further application in the event that the appeal relating to the recent offence be upheld, or after a longer period of time had elapsed.