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Declarations of interest

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'EXECUTIVE REPORTS AND COMBINED FIRE AUTHORITY REPORTS'

  • Councillor Chris Ryan - Personal - Personal interest in the report from the Cabinet Secretary in relation to the reference to Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust due to employment.
  • Councillor Christian Cox - Personal - Personal interest in the report from the Cabinet Secretary in relation to the reference to Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust due to employment.
  • Councillor Don Clapham - Personal - Personal interest in relation to the paragraph on education attainment (in the report from the Cabinet Secretary) as a director of Blackpool Sixth Form College.
  • Councillor Kath Benson - Personal - Personal interest in the report from the Cabinet Secretary in relation to the reference to Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust due to employment.
  • Councillor Martin Mitchell - Personal - Personal interest in the report of the Cabinet Secretary in relation to the reference to Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust as a Council-appointed governor.