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Decisions published

29/03/2019 - ADMISSION AS A 'MEMBER' TO THE LANCASHIRE ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIP ref: 1407    Recommendations Approved

To consider agreeing to accept the invitation from the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Board (LEP) to become a ‘member’ of the company under the Companies Act 2006.


Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Decision published: 29/03/2019

Effective from: 29/03/2019


To agree to the request from the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Board for the Council to become a ‘member’ of Lancashire Enterprise Partnership Ltd (Company Number: 07388600) and in doing so agree to be bound by the Articles of Association and be entered in the register of Members of the Company.


To agree that the Chief Executive, or an officer nominated by him be authorised to sign any relevant legal documentation, including any agreement as to how the members of the company would work together and the application for admittance as a member to the company.



29/03/2019 - WARD GRANTS ref: 1406    Recommendations Approved

The Council's delegated budgets scheme allocates budgets of £15,000 to each Ward covered for the financial year 2018/2019. The funding for this scheme can be spent on supplementing funding public services, for the benefit of the local community.


Ward budget schemes would ordinarily be decided via a Cabinet Member Decision. However, due to an administrative error, this ward funding scheme had been omitted. It had been fully completed and received in advance of the ward funding deadline and therefore does not contravene rules relating to the pre-election period. 


Councillors Ryan and Wright of Greenlands Ward have requested £2,400 as funding to the Royal Air Force Cadets 2454 North Blackpool Squadron, towards the purchase of equipment required for the Cadets taking their Duke of Edinburgh Awards.


Decision Maker: Director of Governance and Partnerships

Decision published: 29/03/2019

Effective from: 29/03/2019


The Director of Governance and Partnerships agreed the recommendation as outlined above namely:


To authorise the request, as submitted.