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Winter Gardens Conference and Exhibition Centre Development.

18/07/2016 - Winter Gardens Conference and Exhibition Centre Development.

The Executive agreed the recommendations as outlined above namely:


  1. To agree in principle to the proposal for the development of a new conference and exhibition centre situated at the Winter Gardens complex.


  1. That the Director of Place be given delegated authority to progress the first stage of the delivery of a new conference and exhibition centre situated within the Winter Gardens complex, as set out in this report, to include the completion of all due diligence associated with the project and the submission of an outline planning application.


  1. That in order to deliver the proposed project within the associated time constraints, up to £50,000 of funding is made available from August 2016 to be used in finalising the scheme designs and completing due diligence, financed from the Leisure Assets portfolio. 


  1. To note that a further report will be brought to the Executive once decisions from other organisations on grant funding have been made to agree the further steps in the delivery of the conference and exhibition centre.