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Issue - decisions


06/02/2017 - GENERAL FUND REVENUE BUDGET 2017/18

The Executive resolved as follows:


To recommend the Council:


  1. A reduction in Bus Route Subsidy of £63,000 as part of its budget savings proposals (ref. paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 and line B4.5 of Appendix 2 of the Executive report)


(Councillor Mrs Wright having declared a prejudicial interest left the room during consideration of this decision.)


  1. To recommend to Council the level of net expenditure for the draft General Fund Revenue Budget 2017/18 of £120,248,000 (ref. paragraph 6.2 of the Executive report).


  1. To recommend to Council budget savings of £18.637m (ref. paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 and Appendix 2 of the Executive report). Noting that the total of decisions 1 and 3 equal a total budget savings of £18.7m.


  1. To recommend to Council that the Chief Executive be authorised to take any necessary steps to ensure all staffing savings are achieved (ref. paragraph 8.1 of the Executive report)


  1. To recommend to Council that the business loans fund is increased from £10m to £100m with immediate effect (ref. paragraph 8.3 of the Executive report)


  1. To recommend to Council that the target level of working balances remains at £6m (ref. paragraph 10.4, of the Executive report)


  1. To recommend a detailed review of earmarked reserves takes place at Provisional Outturn 2016/17 to reprioritise and unearmark funds to replenish working balances to their target level in 2017/18 (ref. paragraph 10.4, of the Executive report)


  1. To consider the report of the Budget Scrutiny Review Panel as attached at Appendix 3 and consider any actions arising from that review.


  1. To note that the Tourism, Economy and Resources Scrutiny Committee will be formally consulting the Trade Unions and Business Ratepayers on the proposals on the morning of 10 February 2017.