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Agenda item


To provide to the Audit Committee with a summary of the work completed by Risk Services in quarter two of the 2016/2017 financial year.


The Committee considered the Risk Services Quarter Two Report which covered the period 1 July to 30 September 2016. The report was presented by Mrs Greenhalgh, Chief Internal Auditor, who outlined the key developments as detailed within the report, before responding to questions and comments from the Committee.


In relation to Risk and Resilience, it was noted that the Council’s Emergency Planning Officer had recently moved to take up a similar role within Blackpool NHS Trust, although agreement had been reached with the Trust for a shared service for emergency planning to be developed. The Committee pointed out the need for the Council not to be left in a position of vulnerability in relation to the role and Mrs Greenhalgh added that an additional person would potentially be recruited to the role for the shared service.


The Committee raised questions regarding the Riddor incident, reported under the Health and Safety section of the report. Mrs Greenhalgh explained that the incident related to an employee hand arm vibration injury and information had been provided to the Health and Safety Executive as requested.


The Committee discussed the Business Continuity plans and Mrs Greenhalgh agreed to report further on the matter at the next meeting of the Committee. Asked specifically about the out of date business continuity plan for Homecare within Adult Services, Mrs Greenhalgh assured the Committee that whilst the plan was currently out of date, it was still fit for purpose and did not pose any additional risk.


Members asked about the Fraud Awareness training statistics, illustrated in a graph on page 20 of the report. It was pointed out that the graph showed the figures completed up to the target rate of 50% and questioned whether it should go up to 100%, which it was considered would give a better reflection of the overall situation. Mrs Greenhalgh agreed to make the change accordingly.


Members noted the lapses in compliance with controls in relation the Ward Budgets procedure. It was pointed out that new procedures were now in place to guard against this in the future.


In relation to Fraud Awareness training, which was not mandatory across the Council, it was acknowledged that the statistics for completion of the training were disappointing. Members queried why the training was not a mandatory requirement and it was explained that it was necessary to take a realistic approach about which training requirements needed to be so and Fraud Awareness was not considered as a priority for all Council employees. The Chief Executive agreed to review the statistics in relation to the Public Health department and also to review which services the fraud awareness ipool training courses were considered necessary for mandatory uptake.


It was noted that certain internal audit reviews undertaken had resulted in an assessment of ‘inadequate’ in relation to the overall opinion and assurance statement issued. Asked about those services, Mrs Greenhalgh stated that Internal Audit was engaged closely with the areas concerned and was confident the issues were being addressed.


The Committee agreed:


1.      To note the report.

2.      To receive a report on the quality of business continuity plans at the next meeting.


Background papers: None.

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