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Agenda item


To review the performance of Waste Services and Street Cleansing, with an emphasis on headline data, statistics and performance indicators. 


The Committee considered the Waste Services and Street Cleansing Performance Report, together with the results from the Council’s Household Waste and Recycling Public Satisfaction Survey of 2015.


Councillor Campbell, Deputy Leader of the Council, responded to questions from the Committee regarding the content of the report.


On the subject of timetabled waste collection from properties, Councillor Campbell confirmed that only items that were placed within the collection bins would be taken away and the leaving of additional items was discouraged. Upon being asked what would happen if Euro bins (otherwise known as large commercial bins) were full, Councillor Campbell stated she was not aware of this being a problem, but the street cleansing department would always strive to keep the town tidy.


The Committee queried whether the Selective Licensing Scheme could do anything to encourage landlords of Houses in Multiple Occupation to purchase Euro bins, it was pointed out that there were conditions as to where residents could store waste, although every effort was being made to encourage the take up of Euro bins. It was explained that a number of older buildings that had been converted from hotels and guest houses into Houses in Multiple Occupation, did not have adequate room to accommodate Euro bins. Therefore, the Planning Department had made it a requirement that any application for a conversion of premises into a Houses in Multiple Occupation, had to indicate where adequate storage for waste bins would be allocated within the converted building. In addition, Councillor Campbell agreed to find out how many Houses in Multiple Occupation currently had Euro bins in use and to report back in due course.


Referring to a section of the report which stated the reduction in cleansing frequencies to residential streets was at breaking point if held to account on the frequency for regular cleaning, the Committee asked for an explanation of the term ‘breaking point’. Councillor Campbell explained that very difficult conditions currently existed and that residential street cleansing had been reduced. Where possible, the frequency was now being aligned in to follow bin collections, so that anything left over or blown away would be cleaned up, but there simply were not the finances available to carry out the job as previously. The Committee made specific reference to the reducing budget as detailed within the report and asked about the possibility of delivering on all of the current aspirations, given the difficult circumstances. Councillor Campbell acknowledged the difficulties that lay ahead but pointed out the hard work undertaken by all of the staff. Referring to the start of the current budget process, she confirmed that the Executive would undoubtedly have to take difficult decisions and that unfortunately, it was not possible to give any reassurances currently.


On the subject of the Keep Blackpool Tidy campaign, Councillor Campbell confirmed that proactive work was being undertaken with primary schools. A recent meeting had taken place with Keep Britain Tidy and various stakeholders and there would be an official launch of the campaign in February 2017.


The Committee agreed that the general state of cleanliness on the Promenade was very good and asked for its compliments to be passed to the Street Cleansing Team.


The Committee agreed to note the report.


Background papers: None.

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