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Agenda item


To consider a progress report on individual risks identified in the Council's Strategic Risk Register.


The Committee considered a progress report in relation to the individual risks identified on the Strategic Risk Register, specifically in relation to risks regarding ‘Lack of Resilience’. The Committee discussed plans to control and mitigate the risks with the strategic risk owners, Mr Jack, Chief Executive and Mrs Curtis, Director of People.


Mr Jack discussed the sub-risk of ‘lack of individual resilience to work in a changing environment’. The Committee was advised of the staffing issues, noting that in 2011 there were 2,800 staff compared to 2,100 now, despite additional services now being provided. Mr Jack explained that the reduction in staffing levels inevitably resulted in an increased pressure on staff and he advised the Committee how the risks were being mitigated, which included promoting access to the Employee Assistance Programme and training courses to improve resilience skills.


With regards to the sub-risk of ‘Lack of Capacity to deliver Council Services’, Mr Jack advised the Committee of the development programmes that had been implemented, for instance coaching and mentoring aspiring managers. He also explained the steps taken to improve employee commitment, which involved providing incentives for staff, for example offers on events being held at the Winter Gardens.


Mrs Curtis, Director of People, advised the Committee of the recruitment programmes for specific areas of service, such as social care and teaching, which were particularly problematic posts to fill. She noted that a recruitment tool had been developed in conjunction with schools and the Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and also provided details of the workplace development steps that were taken to train new employees so they were appropriately skilled for the future.


Mr Jack also advised the Committee that work was being undertaken to help support residents of the town to improve their resilience and reduce the dependency on Council services, noting that building resilience was a priority in the Council Plan. Mr Jack provided details of the additional resources that had been secured to support helping people to be better parents, to find employment and to improve the education of children and young people, such as Better Start, Head Start and Fulfilling Lives.


The Committee questioned the level of acceptable risk for the risk register item and Mr Jack advised that whilst it would be preferable for the net risk scores to be reduced, there remained a requirement for appropriate attention to be constantly given to the indicators, especially in the current financial climate. Mr Jack advised that with the work that was being undertaken to mitigate and control the risk, he considered that the net risk scores could be reduced to 12 in future.


The Committee raised further questions relating to the funding settlement and the services received by Council Tax payers. Mrs Curtis advised that in terms of people’s access to social care, there was a national threshold from which Adult Services could not waiver. She reported that a mixed model of care provision was now provided, which was cost efficient. However, it was noted that there were some issues relating to demand due to growth in population. Mr Jack explained that communication could be improved regarding how Council Tax payer’s money was spent and that there was also a requirement to remind people and businesses that everyone had responsibilities towards their communities.


Background papers:  None.

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