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Agenda item


To inform the Committee of the work undertaken by Adult Services on a day to day basis in order to allow effective scrutiny of services.


Ms Karen Smith, Deputy Director of People (Adult Services) presented the Adult Services Report to the Committee and the Chairman invited questions.


Members commended the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection report of the in house Shared Lives Service and queried what more the service could do in order to achieve an ‘outstanding’ rating. In response, Ms Smith advised that she had posed the same question to the CQC and advised that it was very difficult to achieve an outstanding judgement.


It was noted that the number of direct payments remained low and Ms Smith advised that the take up was improving and that the Direct Payments Team offered support to service users who wanted to utilise direct payments, but that many still preferred that the Council purchase care on their behalf.


The Committee discussed the safeguarding of adults and requested a more detailed report and further analysis of the safeguarding figures be provided in the next Adult Services Report to Committee. Members also queried the number of safeguarding alerts at The Harbour. In response, Ms Smith advised that Lancashire Care Foundation Trust (LCFT) was responsible for managing the safeguarding alerts at The Harbour and had clear lines of responsibility to the Blackpool Safeguarding Adults Board. It was noted that the Health Scrutiny Committee was holding a special meeting with LCFT regarding The Harbour in October 2016 and Members agreed to request that safeguarding at The Harbour be considered as part of that meeting.


The recent cessation of contract with a residential care home was considered and Members sought confirmation that residents had been moved to alternative accommodation in a safe and sympathetic manner. Ms Smith reported that a number of previous experiences had indicated best practice in moving residents and that sufficient support had been provided to all residents throughout the process. In response to further questions, Ms Smith advised that should any Member have concerns regarding a care home these could be indicated by email. It was requested that the relevant email address be circulated following the meeting.


Members noted that work was being undertaken to give flexibility to care at home providers including potentially banding time and taking a zoned approach to provision. In response to questions, Ms Smith advised that best practice would be sought from other Councils and Councillor Cain added that it was not the policy of Blackpool Council to commission 15 minute visits. The Committee also noted the ongoing discussions regarding the administration of medication.


It was noted that a large amount of work was ongoing with regards to dementia services and Members queried how the work carried out in house linked to schemes being provided externally and it was agreed that a written response would be provided following the meeting detailing the Dementia Friends work.


The Committee considered the results of the annual service user survey and noted that 70% of service users reported feeling safe and queried the reasons why the remaining 30% did not feel safe. In response, Ms Smith advised that there were a number of reasons why service users did not feel safe and that all service users who had indicated they did not feel safe had been asked following the survey with work undertaken to resolve the issues.


The Committee agreed:

1.             To receive a more detailed report and further analysis of the safeguarding figures in the next Adult Services Report to Committee.

2.             To request that safeguarding at The Harbour be considered as part of the special meeting to be held by the Health Scrutiny Committee in October 2016.

3.             That the relevant email address for reporting concerns regarding care homes be circulated following the meeting.

4.             That a written response be provided following the meeting regarding the work of Dementia Friends and how it linked to the work undertaken on dementia by the Council.

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